chapter eight

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"Your body will want to follow your head, so if it's pushed one way"—Mina's hand came up too quickly to react, palm shoving the side of your head so hard you went stumbling—"you'll want to go that way."

"That's...understandable, I suppose," you breathed, fixing your form back into the starting position.

Flexing your wrapped fingers, you spent a moment forming fists, muttering the instructions under your breath as you situated your thumbs in front of your first two knuckles.

"I thought the thumb was usually tucked in?"
Mina smiled at you but not unkindly, raising her hand and wiggling her thumb as she spoke.

"Do that and you'll break it if you land a hit."

You were careful to check both hands again before nodding at her. She was as patient now as she was throughout the harrowing trip here.

It was comforting, especially since you'd expected to be barked at and thrown into the thick of it. That was what all the soldiers around you seemed to be going through at first glance.

They had obstacles courses set up at the epicenter of the training grounds, fighting rings with different terrains, and so much more that it made you dizzy to watch. Insane to think that might be you one day, strong and independent.

Mina clapped her hands as the sun shone down brightly on the two of you. It reflected off a mirror pointed towards an opening you couldn't see somewhere higher in the mountain.

"We're gonna focus on dodging and—worst case scenario you do have to hit someone—we'll go ahead and learn what to aim for."

The energy she gave off as she grinned had you desiring the silk sheets of your bed.

"Let's get started!"


A week had gone by since you arrived at Mount Haku and the Tatsu Kingdom by design.

Your first handful of days here had passed slowly, mainly spent locked away in your room. No one came to rouse you from bed the following day of your arrival and you never bothered to slip from beneath the covers unless it was to relieve yourself or eat. No one had bothered to disturb you in that choice, besides the maids who dropped off food and water.

Mina came by the second day, concerned when you still had yet to raise yourself from the blankets. The little brunette had probably said something, she had been the only one to ask how you were feeling when coming by. Ochako, you think it was.

By the third day Kaminari visited. He was able to get you upright in bed, coercing you into revealing just how terribly homesick you were. All that stress from the journey had resulted in febrility, too, which in turn left you withering in a depressed haze.

Kaminari, thankfully, thought it completely rational of a reaction. He spent the rest of the day in your company. The best medicine by far for your weeping heart.

Although under the weather, you had still completed your duties as the Senka for the Queen each day as promised, providing a vial of blood at high noon after a good meal. From what Mina had told you, she seemed to be growing healthier with every drop. You were content to find someone gaining anything from your curse. All it had done was take thus far—a welcome change, indeed.

It was now the beginning of your second week in the castle. You were well enough for Mina to drag you from your covers and out onto the town far below. With so little preparation for your prolonged stay, the staff had only so many clothes to dress you in, thereby the Queen had ordered you a new wardrobe. Mina was to help you explore the styles and fabrics they had in the shipping district.

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