chapter four

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There were low murmurs echoing just outside your consciousness, pulling at your psyche to raise it from the deep burrows of sleep. You found it odd to be disturbed; the servants never threatened your slumber without good reasoning. If your parents were calling on you, they would've knocked and made themselves known by now. Were they newly hired? You couldn't be upset with them if they had no prior knowledge of the quiet hours between dusk and dawn. That being said, if it was still dark out, they were due for trouble. No one was to wander around without proper permittance.

Severing the shield that split your cognizance from the outside world, you wearily peeled your eyes open. The slight chill in the air clung to the skin of your eyelids, fanning over your forehead as your brow furrowed in concern. Why on earth was it colder than usual? Had your handmaidens forgotten to fill the fireplace? You shuffled your feet, put off by the fur brushing against your bare skin.

Is the cat under my sheets? That would be highly unusual, considering she normally slept with your older sister and atop the covers.

It took a moment of being conscious and appraising the stiffness of your back as well as the tent around you to recall just where you were. Your ears picked up on the crackling of wood, but the heat of those flames did not quite reach you in your bedding. Luckily, the fur soaked in most of your body heat, but where your face poked out of the covers was ice cold.

Shivering, you forced yourself into a sitting position and shook at the new temperature taking over the expanse of your back. Even Mina's prime handiwork didn't quite keep you warm enough to your standards.

Glancing around the space, you quickly realized you were alone; a blessing in disguise. You weren't sure how you'd act towards that tyrant this early in the morning. Everyone back home knew of your sour mood at first wakening, but not this clan. Should you be satirized, you prayed the death was swift for whoever your sleepy alter ego ripped into. Luckily for them, that piece of you was fading fast with the sharp winter air around you. It did wonders for casting any lingering weariness away.

"How many?" Reminded of the voices that had ruined your sleep in the first place, you rose from the bed and edged closer to the entrance of the marquee to listen in.

"Apparently, we lost two guards to it an hour ago. Kirishima tried tracking it down for survivors, but it buried itself underground and he lost the scent."

"Could always try your little zap trick on the ground. I'm sure it would paralyze it."

"I couldn't be sure it was in range and I can't waste precious brainpower on a guess. You know that, slinky."

"Man, haven't heard that nickname in ages, heh."

"Aw, Sero-chan, did you miss me that much?"

"Yeah, there was no idiot wandering around to mess with."


There was the shuffling of clothing--deep chuckles pulling at the corners of your mouth.

"Careful! Gotta keep up appearances for her highness, don't you?"

"Keep your voice down! She might hear you."

That was definitely Kaminari, you were sure of it. The other man's voice wasn't recognizable, Sero if you'd heard correctly. They must've been ordered to guard you. Did that mean Bakugou was out and about again? Maybe after whatever had taken the two people? You shivered at the idea of danger, crossing your arms and clenching your jaw to keep your teeth from clacking together. This weather was getting old fast.

Feeling something nudge your foot, you glanced down and barely had time to suck in a breath as some muddled green thing wrapped around your ankle.

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