chapter seven

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The halls were quiet as you traversed them. There were no voices muffled behind closed doors or guards marching the premises in search of trouble. You were used to running into at least two or three people when changing rooms, but this castle was so large you doubt you would even see one.

"Your room is at the south end of the hall, obviously," Mina addressed as you strolled away from it. "The first few rooms on this stretch are storage for wardrobe, a heater for your bathwater, and so on. This room," she pointed to her left, "will be your personal study. Across from it is another room with a balcony for a change of scenery—a tea room if you will." Her expression poked fun at the little act you both had put on in the Land of the Great Oak. Perhaps you really could have a little ball of your very own.

"What about that one?" You gestured to a set of double doors not unlike your own that sat on the opposite end of the hall.

"Bakugou's room."

"We're on the same hall?" The words came out tight as you stopped walking. "Please tell me you're joking."

"Yeah, that's his study across from him, but I doubt you'll ever see him. He's usually carrying out duties all day—studies earlier in the morning or late evening. He is a stickler for heading to bed early, but he insisted you meet the Queen tonight, so he'll likely be there."

You hummed, tongue heavy in your mouth and unable to complain. The quicker you got this over with, the quicker you could sink into bed and keep away from him for the remainder of your stay.

"The Queen's room is at the end of this hall." Mina turned into a corridor just before you hit Bakugou's territory. It was built differently from yours, fashioned with a dozen or so windows on either side. They showcased the dark night within the mountain. Between each window were large candelabrums keeping the hall well lit. The flames danced as you passed, disturbed by your movement and shifting skirt as you turned to take in all the beautiful details of the corridor.

You and Mina continued towards another set of doors. They were gold in color with red curtains pinned to either side where two guards lay still, fire light gleaming off their metal armor, though they wore less than your fathers soldiers. They bowed to you both as you approached, turning to open both doors.

Taking a breath, you straightened your spine and recalled all the lessons on royal manners. If you were to be living here, you would do well to make a good first impression on this woman.

As the doors were opened fully, you were met with a room much bigger than your own and a wide-reaching bed pushed up against the back wall. In it sat a woman that could only be Bakugou's mother. Movement to the right revealed the very man was standing stiffly at her side. A moment was taken to study their similar features: the light-colored hair and eyes were exact, unblemished skin, too.

Queen Mitsuki watched you carefully as Mina led you inside. The doors shut swiftly behind you as she took to a corner, waving you on when you stopped to watch her.

Swallowing, you stepped up to the end of the bed, glancing above at the sparkling chandelier and artwork lining the upper walls before bowing as deeply as you could. You spotted a portrait of the Queen to your left with who you supposed was the King. You saw some of Bakugou in the man's features—it had to be his father.

"It's an honor to meet you, Your Majesty," you said, raising your voice and speaking clearly as you introduced yourself, the second daughter of your father and third to the throne.

"Very eloquent," the woman commented. You raised your head to meet her eyes. "You seem well-mannered enough." Her attention cut to her son in question, who turned his chin up and to the side.

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