Chapter Twenty One

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Thank you guys for sticking with me all this time! It makes me happy when you're reading the ever-living fudge out of this fanfic! I thank you for being so patient with me, even though I can you're like, "Fucking hurry up, ya piece of sad poo!"

Chapter warning: Lila is a fucking bitch, that's the warning, racial slurs, and threats


word count: 902 -not a very long chapter I know & sorry)

Enjoy this chapter!

Marinette wakes with a jolt, feeling misplaced and out of her skin. The back of her eyes heat up, and a fever flares. Well, it felt like she was contracting a fever, but in reality, she sat up too fast. A pressure settling throughout her limbs. An uncomfortable weight upon her shoulders, creating an ache down her spine.

"Have a good nap?" 

That unpleasant grated sentence causes Marinette to look across from the cot she laid on, her eyes narrowing when recognizing the culprit.

Lila had her legs crossed, the top half of her body leaning forward as she propped her chin on her palm. Her cruel hazel hues solely trained on the half-awake girl, her pale painted lips curving into an empty smirk.

"I don't have time for this, " Marinette caught a glimpse of the clock. "I need to get to Biology." 

"I'm sure you do," Lila said heinously. "But, before you patter off, mind lending me this? I'm afraid I've forgotten my own device at home."

She reaches out, her fingers curled around the smartphone, the screen lit up, and on a messaging app.

Marinette gasps out, instinctively reaching for pockets, heart racing. No, no, NO! Oh, for Christ's sake!

"How did you...?!"

"Don't act so surprised, " Lila spoke coldly. "It's not the first thing I've stolen so stealthily. Honestly, I'm kinda shocked you didn't wake up when I snagged it."

"Give it back!" Marinette hisses, jumping to her feet.

"I don't think so," Her eyes narrowed at Marinette.

"What do you want, Lila? Why are you doing this?" 

"You know, for a long time, I thought you were the only thing keeping me from having Adrien, " Lila frowned, pocketing the phone. "But, I think this, definitely tops it. No wonder Adrien is all over that bitch."

"Don't call her that." Marinette's glare hardened to ice.

"You're in no position to tell me what to do, chink."

Marinette's body stiffens at the slur; disgust and anger twisting into her expression. Lila smirked at her reaction, almost amused by it. Her blood felt like ice in her veins.

"What is wrong with you?" Marinette chokes on a newly forming lump.

"It's not me, it's all you, dear. You've got everyone wrapped around your finger like a bandaid. It's amazingly easy to sway someone's conscience, especially with money and gifts, " Lila stood, brushing out any wrinkles from her dress. "I'll hold onto your phone for now. Maybe I can change a few minds with a choice of very creative words."

"Lila, please don't—" Marinette's heart literally jumped into her throat.

"We're past negations here, don't you think? Oh, and if you tell anyone about this, I will make your life a living hell, " Her hazel eyes hardened with the threat, doing a one-eighty switch, she smiled ever so sweetly.  "Anyway, I have to get back to Geometry. Arrivederci."


After school, Marinette's mood only pummeled. Without her phone. . .with Lila taking it, she grew more worried as the clock ticked by the minute. What was she doing? Why take her phone? What was her goal?

Tch. She already knew. Lila had nothing better to do than try to destroy her peers' independence. It was like always had a flock around her, listening to every order, every sick demand. And with this school, nobody cared enough to listen unless it benefitted them. Chloe had tried every trick in the book, too, and where did that lead her?

Pressure built up in her chest like an ache. It broiled and boiled and blistered. It wasn't envy that Marinette was felt, it didn't feel like anger, either. It was like frustration and hopelessness and fury all rolled into one. She held no power against Lila, and the last time she stood up for herself, she got expelled and nearly lost her best friend.


Hm? Someone's calling her? A quick around her made her believe she merely imagined it. Stress could cause hallucinations, right?

There was no shortage to the crowded yard, students boarding buses or getting a ride from friends or being picked up by parents or of the related sorts. As far as she saw, no one looked at her unless they were avoiding a collision. Hm. Yeah, she definitely imagined that.

"Marinette, please wait!" 

Now, that time, she heard it. Whoever was calling her sounded closer.

"Finally!" A breathy gasp says from behind the ebony-haired girl.

Marinette froze, immediately recognizing the Japanese accent. She feared to look behind her as the buried emotions from long ago dug themselves from their forgotten graves. The beautiful fence master is quick to catch her breath, straightening her posture to appear more composed.

She offers Marinette a kind smile, "I apologize for my sudden interest in a conversation, but I would like a moment of your time."

"About what?" Marinette asks nervously, perking an eyebrow up.

"I think you know what about - Lila Rossi."

𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐹𝓊𝓉𝓊𝓇𝑒 𝐻𝑜𝓁𝒹𝓈 𝐹𝑜𝓇 𝒰𝓈 *Slow Updates*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz