Chapter One

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So, I watched the season 3 finale of Miraculous Ladybug and I have to say I screamed...internally. My heart cannot take this constant jabbing of ships being ripped apart and then the seeming force of new ships (AKA Adrien and Kagami). I'm deciding to write this one fanfic. I don't know how many chapters I'll use, so expect slow updating and whatnot. So anyway. Enjoy this Luka X Marinette, I don't see very many of those that don't involve Adrien being in it, I mean it will involve Adrien, but the ones that have him instantly jealous of Luka as soon as he steps into the scene, those are the ones that I'm seeing, and so I wanted to change it up a little. Apologies if it's horrible *squish*


Chapter One – Realization in a Heartbreak

It was when Marinette nearly cried her heart out, did she realize it: Adrien would never love her the way she loved him.

It ripped her apart inside watching them use her to run from Adrien's bodyguard, how they wanted her with them just they can be alone together, the way they looked at each other. The loving giggles and stares that she wished for since she met Adrien. It hurt her to watch the boy she loved for the last few years fall for another girl. Even as Ladybug, who all Parisians adored, she knew Adrien wouldn't love her the same way.

Don't get her wrong! Kagami is a sweet girl and Marinette admired her talents. At first, the Dupin-Cheng girl felt jealousy course through her being and then it transitioned into depression. Even after Luka...comforted her at the park entrance.

She didn't deserve him, or at least that's what she felt. He was too good of a friend. He always listened to her complaints, rants, babbles. He'd sit there and listen to it all with open ears and then give her well thought advice, even if she didn't want to hear the truth. He was her guardian angel...with blue hair.

Besides Tikki and Alya and her parents, of course, Marinette hasn't really noticed the honest advice she needed until now.

Sighing within her pink comforters, trying to wiggle into a more comfortable position, Marinette weeps silently.

"Oh, Marinette..." Tikki softly says to her Holder. "It'll be okay."

"Will it, though? Kagami is perfect! She's nice and fences and...she actually has a lot in common with Adrien." Marinette rolls onto her back. "I barely have anything in common...and Chat Noir has been acting weird, too..."

"Yeah, but Chat Noir is always acting weird, Marinette," Tikki said.

"True, but his flirting stopped. Not that they bothered me or anything, I just feel weird without that special burst in our hero relationship."

"But, you're not in a relationship with---" Tikki quickly hid behind Marinette as she sat up.


Marinette's mother, Sabine Dupin-Cheng, knocked on the hatch-door before opening it, peering around the dimmed room. Her mother had a plate of chocolate chip cookies.

"Marinette? I brought you some cookies." Sabine smiled sweetly at her daughter.

The woman climbed into the room, not bothering to leave the door open as she moved toward Marinette's bed.

"Thanks, Mom..." Honestly, Marinette wasn't in the mood for cookies or talking right now. She wanted to cry and cry and cry and cry until she's made half an ocean.

"Oh, honey..." Sabine sat the plate on the small nightstand before sitting on the foot of Marinette's pink comforter. "How are you feeling?"

Did she have to answer? What would she even tell her mom? "Oh, it's nothing biggest crush has this crush on a girl who is the most perfect girl in Paris! And I'm being a sad roll and I don't want to get out of bed to face them at school!" Nothing to see here! 

𝒲𝒽𝒶𝓉 𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝐹𝓊𝓉𝓊𝓇𝑒 𝐻𝑜𝓁𝒹𝓈 𝐹𝑜𝓇 𝒰𝓈 *Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now