Chapter Nine

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GIF is an apology for being so late with this update! Please forgive me! I know it's been a long while. I've got no excuses. 

"You're adorable."

"Make me."

"Bold words for you, Ma-Ma-Marinette."

Events from this weekend replayed like a broken record player. Marinette kept hearing Luka's voice, distracting her from Ms. Mendeleiv's lesson.

Heat crawled up her neck to her cheeks remembering how Luka looked up at her after she had tackled him. He smirked. Smirked. Oh, her heart thumped almost painfully. It was bound to pound right out of her chest and ruin her half-done math notes.

Why did he have to go and say that?

Why does he make her feel so bubbly? So giddy and flip-floppy? Confident?

Alya encouraged her! And Luka! She was most definitely impressed with her. Who knew that the Marinette Dupain-Cheng had the guts to tackle someone. A boy, no less?

Her best friend couldn't be bothered by the fact that tackling Luka was a mere fluke and she only did it to get her sketch back. All these people around her just had to be taller!

But still...even Marinette herself felt a little bit at awe. She didn't even think when tackling Luka. By the time she had done it, Luka was beneath her, highly amused, a little whiplashed, but amused nonetheless.

Marinette blinks at her notes, her hand had stopped writing numbers. Off to the side of the paper, there was a little scribble, a drabble of a sketch, if you will.

Her pencil had recaptured Luka's smug expression, half-done chin, his spiked dyed hair. Silently 'eep'ing, Marinette hurried to assault the drawing with her eraser before anyone saw it. They probably wouldn't let her live it down. Alya had already gossiped to Juleka about what happened between her and Luka. 

Oh, man! Juleka probably thought she liked Luka! Why else would she have taken bold measures to tackle the poor teen?

"Miss Dupain-Cheng!" A ruler swats the desk with a frightening snap, also breaking all of Marinette's bashful emotions and lightning-speed thoughts.

"Eek!" Yelping out, Marinette drops her pencil, averting her widened eyes up.

Ms. Mendeleiv frowned down at her student. "This is not the time for doodles, Miss Dupain-Cheng. Now is math!"

"Sorry, Ms. Mendeleiv!" Marinette apologizes, seizing her writing utensil somberly.

"You're lucky I don't send you to Mr. Damocles' office, " The purple-haired teacher scowled at her student, sharply turning and stepping toward the direction of her desk. "I implore you, Miss Dupain-Cheng: pay attention."

And then the day continued.

It was almost ordinary. Average, even.

Marinette stuffed her notebooks inside her bag, a heavyweight collapsing onto her shoulder when slinging the said bag over her back. The last bell of the day screeched throughout the school; everyone in class hurriedly packed their things and bolted, the teacher reminding them to do their homework and study for an upcoming test.

This day has been considerably bleak. No school fights. No Akumas. No Hawk Moth or Mayura targeting any poor sap or lass with said Akuma to get her and Chat Noir's miraculous whilst exacting their revenge on whoever wronged them. 


What a calming day.

His partner in crime seemed to be quiet as well. Maybe they're trying to be subtle? 

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