Chapter Twenty-Six

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Marinette takes matters into her own hands, Juleka pays her a visit. 

Hope you enjoy!~

word count: 984

"Are you sure you want to do this, honey?"

"Yes, Mama, " Marinette said, across from her mother who kneaded dough. "I don't any unnecessary money coming out of our bills when I don't have a phone."

"I don't know, Sweetie, " Sabine paused her kneading and peered at her daughter. "We can track your chip so you don't have to turn it off--I don't want you roaming these streets without a phone on you."

"It'll be okay, Mama, " Marinette urged. "I can get me one of those phones that uses minutes."

Sabine made a face and directed her gaze at Marinette. "If you feel so strongly about it, I'll call our network and cancel your plan."

"Thank you, Mama, " Marinette smiled lightly.

"But, you are not to be out and about after the street lights come on, and you must always tell your father or me where you're going before leaving."

"Yes, Mama." The teen nodded, feeling the relief flooding her.

She would've asked her father, but he would've denied her her request, probably telling her he'd call her school and badger all of her teachers and principal. Marinette honestly didn't want to live with that embarrassment. And she didn't want to tell them her phone was stolen by Lila either. Her parents were caused too much grief last time Lila was around. 

Marinette knew having her phone's line discontinued would piss Lila off, as she couldn't send or receive important messages anymore. It was nail-biting, not having her phone and it being in the hands of her most disliked nemesis.

Lila Rossi was as unpredictable as a jack-in-the-box. She'd pop up and about with no warning, she was a ticking time bomb. The only thing different about her and a toy designed to scare children is that there's a clown in the box instead of a psycho.

Marinette resisted a smile. Perhaps Lila could be considered a clown, the makeup being a metaphor for her fake emotions.

She knew, confidently enough, that she no longer would let Lila or anyone else control her life. The ebony-haired girl never was able to pinpoint the exact reason Lila hated her so much. Whether it was jealousy or just plain spite, she didn't know. Maybe Lila just liked to pick the easiest of targets or the most emotional ones.

Yeah, Marinette would admit it, she got emotional. It's one of her biggest flaws. She acted out sometimes, without her brain on the front lines with her heart, she was sensitive to the backlash. She reacted the ways they hoped, and she'd fall right into their trap every time. Sometimes she could keep her composure and stay calm, but it obviously isn't always that way.

"Oh, isn't that your friend Julia?" Her mother perked up, looking toward the street just as the bakery door opened.

Confused, Marinette twisted around her confusion washing away immediately.


The emo girl was seemingly out of breath, but she kept her composure intact. Marinette realized Juleka had been crying. For how long, probably a while. Her face was flushed, her eyes puffy and a bit red.

"Hey, Marinette, " Her voice was croaky, too. "I've been trying to get a hold of you."

"I lost my phone." Marinette frowned, guilt arising within her chest. "Is everything alright?"

Juleka quirked an eyebrow, probably pondering why, but briefly. "I need you to come with me."

"Why, what's up?" Marinette asked.

"I...okay, " Juleka sharply inhaled. "Listen, there's no better way to say this, but Luka's had an accident."


"Oh, my goodness! Is he okay?" Sabine stopped her dough kneading altogether, facing the teenaged girl.

"He'll..." Juleka sucked in a breath, feeling the tears working their magic once again. "He'll be okay. It's gonna take...some time, but he'll be okay."

"My goodness...poor boy..." Sabine trailed off. "What hospital is he at?"

"St. Francis Memorial, " Juleka replied weakly. "He was brought in around one O'Clock this morning. I guess an early jogger found him. He's been in and out of all morning."

Sabine made a face, "Well, Marinette? What are you still doing here? Go to him! He needs all the support he can get right now!"

"I'll get my coat!" Marinette hurried away from the counter and toward the spiral staircase.

Luka in an accident? How badly was he hurt? Were his injuries permanent? With each step up the stairs, Marinette could feel the heaviness of the situation weighing down on her. This didn't settle with her so easily, it just 

Entering through the hatch, Marinette scrambled for her coat.

"What's going on, Marinette?" Tikki floated curiously near her Holder's head.

"Luka's in the hospital."

"He's what? Is he okay?"

"Juleka said he was, but I'm going to see him, " Marinette hurried to slip her coat on, not bothering to zip it up. "C'mon, Tikki, let's go." 

"Wait, Marinette, " Tikki floated closer to her, holding something resembling jewelry. 

Marinette lifts her hands up for Tikki to drop the bracelet in her palm. "The Snake Miraculous?"

"Sass brought it back while you were helping your mom with the bakery." Tikki explained. 

Why did Luka take the Miraculous off? What if he didn't take it off? Marinette stared at the bracelet with a worried frown. Tears of guilt brim at her bluebells. What could she have done to help him? She wondered if the shock hadn't reached her quite yet, or if the information was just settling in her mind. 

"Marinette?" Sabine's voice called from down below, muffled by the hatch. "Is everything alright?" 

Blinking back the water works, Marinette sniffled and looked at Tikki, who floated to the hood of her coat, snuggling within the faux fur. Her fingers clasp around the latch and she lifted the trapdoor open.

"I'm on my way!"

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