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Hey, how is everyone doing? 

I am Mia and welcome to my story „Royals" (title is definitely not inspired by Lorde ;) )

I've read the selection a few weeks ago and the whole time I was like, we NEED a Harry fanfic version of this story. But just replacing Harrys name is boring and just not it, so I came up with the idea for this story. 

It's basically the same concept as „The selection" by Kiera Cass, but the story behind each character is  different.

 When you've already read the selection, you will find some parallels between the book and this fanfic. Especially in the beginning will the two story's be similar, but the further we go, the less it'll be like Kiera Cass work. 

It's basically „the selection", but with my own twist. 

I am NOT a native English speaker. I'll give my best , but if you find any grammar or spelling mistakes, please point them out in the comments in a nice way, thank you 

Btw I had already planned 10h for this story (characters,...) before I thought of searching if there are similar story's like this. And in fact there is one , I haven't read this story so I can't and would never steal her ideas . If you want to read it, the author is DanielleA_M and the title of the story is „selected" 

Now I will explain a few things, that will help you understand the story better . 

The different castes: 

1. the Royals: the royal family basically. 

2. people with connections to the royal family, very rich people. 

3. the soldiers and their families 

4.  - Artistic people. Such as musicians, artists,...        

      - people with regular jobs, basically the middle class 

5. Farmers and their families 

6. Very poor people, who don't have a job or are homeless   

Now that we have talked about all the formalities, a big thank you to every single one of you who reads this story, 

I love you all, 

Mia x

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