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„Breaking news, the Royal family of Litteria just announced, that the crown Prince steps back from his position as the future king. 

In a press conference, the young Prince says : „ I met the love of my life Sophia last year and I could not be happier with my life. But I realised, that the life I've lived for the past 21 years, is not want I want for my fiancée and me. 

It was a very hard decision I had to make. I've been raised to be the successor of my father , King William . And didn't know if I was making the right decision, but I'm sure that my little brother Prince Harry will do an amazing job."

And with this quote, I pass the word to our reporter Jennifer, she's live from the capital. 

„Jennifer can you hear me?" 

„Yes , John" 

„Great, how is the situation in the capital right now?"

„It's still calm, the announcement has just been made a few minutes ago and I think everyone needs to take in those news."

„I can only imagine, this is the first time in the history of Litteria, that the crown Prince steps back from his position. What are the reactions of people you've met on the streets so far?"

„They were all a bit hesitant, they said that Prince Vincent was perfect for his role of the future king  they don't know if the „life of the party" , Prince Harry, will make a good king."

„Have you gotten any news about the statement of the new Crown Prince yet?"

„Not yet, but I'm sure the statement will be made this evening"

„Thank you Jennifer, we will talk later again, when the statement is made"

You've heard it Litteria, the Crown  Prince Vincent steps back ...." 

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