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A violin duo is playing classical music as I try to find Cara in the ballroom. 

Hundreds of important and rich people are chatting and laughing. The lady's are all wearing extravagant dresses with matching jewellery, that is probably more worth than our little farm. 

I still can't believe, that I am experiencing  this and not just having a really vivid dream. 

I, Lauren Woods, am at a royal ball, because I got chosen to possibly be the future Queen of one of the biggest kingdoms in the world. 

I know, that I'm not the perfect fit for this position, but I needed to at least t try it. 

I'll probably tell the Prince in a few weeks, that I don't feel right for the position and will leave the competition. Like this, my family will receive enough money to pay back our debts to the bank and I'll have a grat experience here. 

After a few minutes, I spot Cara's head in the crowd, she's talking to another contestant.  I make my way over to her. 

« Hey Cara, you look beautiful in that dress », I compliment her as I greet her. 

« Hi Lauren, you don't look to bad yourself », we both laugh. 

« Hey, I'm Gianna, nice to meet you », says the girl Cara was talking to earlier. She has gorgeous curly hair and is wearing a yellow dress. 

« Hey, I'm Lauren, it's nice to meet you too, » I reply. 

We do a little bit of small talk before we get interrupted by the ring of a bell. 

We look at each other confused, before we understand, that the royal family is arriving. 

We bow our heads as two servants open the big doors and the King and his wife enter the room. The Prince and his little sister are following them. 

Prince Harry is wearing a plain black suit and his hair is a little bit messy, but it's probably supposed to be like this. His whole appearance just screams confidence. 

Princess Clarissa is wearing a beautiful red dress with a matching tiara. She and her two brothers look all really similar. They all have brown hair, a strong bone structure and light eyes. 

The royals walk over to a little stage which I haven't noticed before. 

A servant hands Prince Harry  a mic, so he can begin his welcome speech. 

« Good evening Lady's and gentleman and welcome to the royal palace. A special welcome to the 20 Selected, I'll try to have a dance with everyone of you tonight, to get to know you a little bit better. If you couldn't tell I'm really nervous and really exited. I don't want to waste out precious time so I wish everyone a great evening. » 

As we begin to applaud, he turns around and his mother whispers something in his ear. He nods, smiles at her and walks off the stage. 

« He looks even better than this afternoon « , states Gianna behind me.

 I nod, « He's  really cute. » 

But then I realise what she just said. « What do you mean, this afternoon ? » , I ask her confused. 

Gianna and Cara both look at me with confusion in their eyes. 

«We saw him, he welcomed us this afternoon when we arrived? »,  says Cara. 

No, no , no, no, no. 

That's not possible. 

« You did greet him when you arrived? », asks Gianna hesitantly. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2021 ⏰

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