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One year later

"Mom, have you seen my boots?, I can't find them", I call from the basement.

"I think I saw them on the terrace earlier, you cleaned them yesterday.", she responds. 

"Thanks, mom", I shout while I run outside and see my boots. I threw them on quickly. 

Shit, I am late, I should've  been done with cleaning the cowshed by now. 

I run across the little court and slow down as I arrive in front of the shed. I take a deep breath in before I open the door. 

"Thank god, thats the last time I'm helping you out", I flinch at the sound of my brothers voice. 

"I'm so sorry Louis, I swear I set my alarm yesterday, but the batteries are empty." I answer. 

"It's okay Lau", he hands me the shovel before he heads out. 

I just finished feeding the chicken as I hear my mom shout: "Lunch is ready". 

I make sure that the door of the coop is closed before I grab the bucket with the rest of grains in it and make my way to our little farmhouse. 

We never have a big lunch, my dad always says, that breakfast and dinner are more important. "Breakfast to have energy for the day and dinner to not be hungry when you fall asleep", are his exact words.

 And since we  don't have enough food for three big meals a day, lunch is always a mini snack. Todays delicacy is half of a red pepper for everyone. 

Thats one on my fav's actually, its way better than reddish. But I shouldn't complain, there are people who have nothing to eat.

"Lauren darling, are you finished with your work for the day?", my mom asks. 

"No, I still need to pick some apples and to bring them to Miss Steward", I respond before I take a  bite of my lunch. 

"I hope it won't take too long, remember the Royal press conference starts at 5pm", says my mom with a harsh voice ," I want everyone to be here by 4:55 okay?". We all nod. 

"Miss Hill told me earlier, that the Prince Harry is going to make an announcement", she adds. 

Opposite to my mom, I'm not a big fan of the royal family. I don't know them personally and I don't want to judge or anything, but they're probably just a spoiled group of brats who govern one  of the biggest Kingdoms in the world. 

Litteria is a monarchy, so the people can't vote their own government like in other countries. Which in my opinion is a better idea, everyone can vote someone who represents their interest and worked to be where they are now. The members of the royal family are just born into it. 

I honestly don't remember the last time I saw or heard about the royal family coming to poor villages and helping them. They're just chilling in their palace and enjoying their lives, drinking expensive champagne. 

I believe that  mom supports them, because she's amazed by their wealth and their strong appearances, especially Queen Mathilda. Everything they do is happy and positive, the negative things happening in Litteria are never  talked about. I think mom escapes a bit in this world every time she sees them in the news or in magazines. She can forget about her hard life for a few moments. 

I wonder what Prince Harry has to say today. It's been almost a year since Price Vincent announced the news and Prince Harry became the new crown Prince. This must've been a difficult situation for him. 

I bet he's just going to announce his wedding with some rich Lady. 

Miss Steward was really happy when I brought her the apples. They were a thank you for her help two weeks ago. My little sister Lilith was very ill, she couldn't even walk and Miss Steward brought us medicine. Two days later, Lilith could jump around the house again.

As a family in the caste 5, food is one of the biggest gifts you could make. And since she saved Lilith from death, five apples is the least she deserves. 

We were having a nice talk about her pregnancy when I heard  the church bells ring.

Shit, its 4:45. 

I say a quick goodbye before I run as fast as I can,  mom is going to kill me if I'm late.


Hey, how are you doing?

This is the first chapter and I'm so freaking excited for this story!!

Thank you so much for reading and don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter.

Love you, 

Mia x

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