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(A/N : pic: this is the outfit he's wearing at the draw of the candidates)

 « Lauren, i said 4:55!", shouts my mom angrily. 

"I know mom, I'm sorry. I had a little talk with Miss Steward about her pregnancy." I defend myself. 

"Shhh ist starting", says Lilith. 

Dad turns the volume of the TV up and I quickly sit down on our little couch. 

The TV is one of our most prized possessions, we got it last year. Before we bought it, we just listened to the press conferences or the news on a little radio. 

We aren't allowed to watch the TV daily because the electricity is really expensive. 

"Good evening, I am John Smith and welcome to the royal press conference", says the reporter.

"His mayesty, Prince Harry Styles will now make an important announcement. "

The host leaves the screen and Prince Harry appears on the small TV. 

I can't really see a lot of details, but I definitely understand all the girls from the village freaking out whenever they see him in a magazine. He's quite tall and has a really good bone structure. 

The Prince adjust the microphone to his height before he begins with his speech. 

"Good evening Lady's and Gentlemen, good evening Litteria. Last year my brother Prince Vincent announced his resignation from the position as the crown Prince. For a year now, I've been raised and taught a lot about how to rule this kingdom one day. 

In the constitution of the Kingdom Litteria is written, that if the crown Prince has not found a future queen for his kingdom by the age of 21, he is committed to announce The Selection. 

And this is what I'm doing right now, I am announcing the selection. 

20 lucky girls, one from each state of our kingdom, will have the chance to be the Queen of Litteria by  my side. The selected girls will learn  the royal etiquette and most importantly they will be taught how to be a leader and a Princess.

Every girl between the age of 18 and 21 who is unwed has the possibility to fill out their application form tomorrow in the city hall of their town. 

Who the 20 selected are will be drawn tomorrow night at 6 pm live on tv . 

I am really exited to meet the 20 selected. "

My mom screams as she watches the Prince step down of the stage to sit down next to his parents and his little sister. 

The next day 

My mom and I were already waiting 2 hours in line outside of the city hall, thank god  it wasn't raining. Girls of all castes are trying to get selected. I'm not sure if it's the right decision to take part in  this competition, but I can't let this opportunity slip. The families of the  selected girls will receive money every week which is more  than  we make in 5 months. And on top of that, the food there will probably be better, than anything I've ever eaten in my entire life. 

"What's your name?" , asks a young man outside of the city hall. 

"Lauren Woods", I reply. 

"Perfect, I have you right here"

He taps a few times on his iPad before he moves on.

 " Please go to the room 4A , someone will give you the application form there. After you filled it out, we are going to take a photo of you, ok?"

 I nod and say a quick thank you and goodbye before I enter the building. 

Lots of people are running from left to right, I try to find the  door with the sign 4A on it. After looking around for a bit, I found it on the second floor of the building.

I enter the room and a nice woman hands me the quiz. 

I take a quick look at all the questions before I fill them out. They were asking my caste, what I like to do in my free time and some other more personal questions. In the second part on the application form were a few questions about the history of Litteria, which were quite easy. 

 I reread my answers and correct my grammar before I stand up and hand the lady my filled out application. 

She directs me to the room where my picture is going to be taken. I try to give the photographer the best smile possible and leave the room after a few minutes. 

My mom is waiting outside of the building and attacks me with questions about the process. 

After I explained everything to her, she tells me, that she met her sister, aunt Annie and my cousin Devon a few minutes ago. 

Devon is the same age as me and we are really close, almost like sisters. 

She's participating too.  They're coming over tonight to watch Prince Harry draw the candidates with us together. 

"He's so hot" whispers my cousin in my ear as we watch the Prince appear on the screen. 

"He's alright " I respond to her. 

"Are you freaking kidding me Lauren, he's perfection.  Have you seen those eyes?" she says enraged. 

The Prince is wearing a dark blue suit with red stripes on it tonight. It suits him really well. 

"Girls shut up, it's starting", says my aunt, " and everyone cross their fingers!" 

We watch the Prince draw the 20 envelopes. Each one from a different basket, which indicate the different states. 

We take a sharp inhale as he stops in front of the basket from our state. He shuffles  the envelopes, picks one and hands it, like the other ones,  to the servant behind him. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is the moment we've all been waiting for" , says the reporter to the camera. 

The Prince opens the first envelope and starts to announce the 20 selected girls. 

 "For the state of Queasea, Josephine Walker" 

The people in the studio applaud and a picture of a gorgeous young woman is shown. 

"You promise me if you get picked, that you will introduce me to his cousin Niall?" , Devon whispers in my ear. 

"I promise, but if you get picked, you're going to introduce me to him",  we make a quick pinky promise before we concentrate on the screen again. 

The Prince moves on.  "Eliza Holmes for Atesea, Gianna Rodriguez for the state of Antabury"

"For the state of Wevell", shit this is our state. Everyone in our small living room holds their breath before the Prince continues. He opens the envelope and smiles as he reads out the name written on the card. 

"Lauren Woods" 


Hey everyone, I hope you're all doing great. 

Thank you guys so much for reading this book :))) 

I will add a little bit more information about the different castes and everything to the first chapter.  I think it would be good to check that out, so you don't get confused or anything. 

And if you liked the chapter, it would mean the world to me if you would vote!

Love you all, Mia x

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