Chapter 11: Timeout

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About a week later, Angelina has been in a happy mood and getting all wild. Newt and I have been trying to get her to calm down but she's too excited to calm down.

"Angelina! Look at me! I know you're in a happy mood, but can you please calm down? I don't want you to end up destroying the place." I say to her while chuckling.

"Okay, Mommy!" she says with a smile and continues running around the cabin. I roll my eyes and chuckle.

*time skip*

While we were having dinner at the bonfire, we told Angelina not to run off or do anything stupid. While Newt and I were talking, we noticed Angelina left us. We start to feel a wave of panic as we go try to look for her. We see her drinking alcohol by herself.

"Oh, shit!" I exclaim and quickly run to her and grab the alcohol.

"Mommy..." Angelina tried to say something but I cut her off. I grab her by the shoulders and shake her while talking to her.

"Angelina! Don't ever run off by yourself like that again! And don't drink that stuff, it's dangerous!" I yell at her, losing my calmness cuz I'm very protective of her.

"Doesn't seem dangerous to me." Angelina replies, but it sounds like she's slurring. Oh no, she got drunk! I sigh guiltily as if I regret something.

"It may not be dangerous but it is. It messes with your brain." I say, trying to reason with her.

"Mommy, you're nuts. I'm fine." Angelina replies in a rude tone as she grabs the drink to keep drinking.

"Baby, no! Come with me." I say to her and pick her up and bring her over where Newt is. He had a look of concern on his face.

"Bloody hell, you found her. Where was she? What happened?" Newt asks worriedly.

"I found her over herself...drinking. And now she's drunk." I say to him with a stern face. Newt looked at her in shock and took her out of my arms. He holds her in his arms and looks at her with a light angry face.

"Sweet pea, you know you're not supposed to wander off alone without us or another adult with you." Newt scolds her.

"But, Daddy..." Angelina whines.

"No 'buts', young lady. You scared us to death, we thought something terrible happened to you. When we get back home, you're gonna have a timeout." Newt says sternly to her.

"Fine..." Angelina slurs and then falls asleep and passes out in her daddy's arms.

*time skip*

As soon as we get back to the cabin, Angelina wakes up and we put her on the couch.

"Okay, Angelina. We're sorry we yelled at you,'s scared us when you ran off on your own. We don't wanna lose you. And drinking alcohol can mess with your brain and make you all woozy. That drink's not for kids." I say to her.

"I'm sorry...I was very curious what that stuff was. I wanted to try it." Angelina says.

"I know, but you should ask us first before you run off by yourself and drink that stuff. That was wrong. Now, your timeout is you're gonna hang out with your Uncle Gally tomorrow the whole day." I say with a stern face.

"Awww! Not Uncle Gally!" Angelina whines. She doesn't really like Gally cuz of his sass and he's intimidating.

"Yes. Uncle Gally." Newt says with a stern face.

"Off to bed." I say. She does nothing.

"Now!" I raise my voice. She runs off to her room to go to bed. I felt bad for punishing her, but she needs to learn her lesson.

As Newt and I go to bed, I have flashbacks of Angelina spending more time with Newt than me and when Angelina was drinking. I'm unaware of Newt looking at me in concern.

"You okay, my love?" he asks me sympathetically. I snap out of my thoughts.

"Uh...yeah. Of course." I answer, faking a smile and pretending that everything's okay.

"Jacqui, are you sure? You've been...pretty quiet since Angelina had that nightmare last week. Is there something that you're not telling me? Remember what I said back in the scorch, it's best to let out your emotions than bottle them up." Newt says to me.

"I'm fine, Newt! Just...I'll be right back." I snap at him, shutting him out. He looked at me in shock. He knows something's wrong again. I leave the room to go to the bathroom and lock the door. I sit on the toilet and open the sink cabinet. I find a drink of alcohol I borrowed from the bonfire and started drinking it. I tear up and I feel my belly. I felt something kick in there. I sigh in guilt and keep drinking as I sob softly.

Paradise in the Safe Haven (SEQUEL to Maze Runner Newt x girl Glader)Where stories live. Discover now