Chapter 20: Moving Too Fast

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(A/N: back to Angelina's POV)

Angelina's POV:

As I finished singing my mom's song to Justin, I noticed the way he's looking at me and I blush.

"Wow. You...I don't know what to say. You sounded fantastic!" he compliments me.

"Thanks. It's my mom's song. She sang it for my father and his friends and it was the moment my father fell in love with her." I say.

"Well, I'm feeling something." Justin says unintentionally and realizes what he just said.

"Oh...and what's that?" I ask him with a smirk.

"Um...well...I just feel...a little connection with you. And...that song touched my heart, and I just...God, where do I start?" he says nervously. I could tell he was struggling to get the right words out.

"Go ahead. You can say it." I reassure him. He sighs in defeat.

"It's just...I like you, okay? You're beautiful, you're kind, innocent, confident, inspiring, you have a beautiful voice, and I never felt like this with anybody before. I know this is all happening too fast cuz we just met today, but I just wanna get to know you a little more." he says nervously.

"I...I like you, too, Justin. But, I'll tell you a little more about myself. Well, I grew up here at the Safe Haven all my life, and not only I have my parents, but I have my parents' best friends who are like my aunts and uncles. Also there's my dad's sister and her husband who's my parents' best friend. And my cousin named Chuck, we also hung out and grew up together. If you met him, you'd like him, you two would be great buddies, haha. So yeah. And my parents and their friends, they've been through a lot of trauma in their past. They were hostages at W.C.K.D., then they had their memories wiped and got sent to a maze, spent 3 years trying to find a way out, and when my Uncle Thomas showed up at the maze, him and my Uncle Minho found a way out and they all escaped, got kidnapped by W.C.K.D. again and escaped and ended up in the dangerous scorch full of Cranks, and they survived. dad came down with the Flare until my mom risked her life to save him and they are." I say some of the story about my family's past.

"Whoa..." Justin says in awe.

"I know, right? They've been through a lot. It's crazy." I say, agreeing with him.

"Yeah, it is." he says.

"But, my mom...She especially has been through a lot and my dad was always there to help her cope. And I haven't seen her or heard her having anxiety or crying, except when I was a baby, she seems like she's getting better, especially since she's been taking care of me and her family and not dealing with drama or the dangerous situations. So, yeah, she got through it. She's very innocent and kind like me, but...she's actually tough." I say as I chuckle. Justin chuckles as well.

"I bet she is." he says with a smile.

"And...not only my mom has been through a lot, my dad has, too. Before he met my mom, he felt empty and hopeless that they would never find a way out of the maze, so he snuck into the maze and found a very tall wall, climbed up the ivy, and jumped off. Tried to kill himself. And then...he broke his left leg and after he got taken care of, he had limp on that leg ever since, but he doesn't limp anymore. And that day traumatized him." I say to Justin.

"Oh...Your family has been through so much and you're lucky to have them in your life. They're strong and they'd do anything to help you cope with anything that you're dealing with. Just like they coped." Justin reassured me and put a hand on my shoulder. My heart was pounding.

"Yeah." I reply with a smile. I look into his beautiful blue eyes and he looks in mine. He starts to lean in.

Oh my gosh, my first kiss! I thought to myself.

Justin leans in closer and closer, and...his lips make contact with mine. I felt butterflies in my tummy and my heart was pounding. I've never had this feeling before. I'm feeling the same way my parents did when they fell in love.

"I...I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. We just met today and this is all happening too fast. I should go." Justin says while embarrassed. As he starts to get up, I grab his hand.

"No. Don't go. Stay." I say to him as I look in his eyes. He sits back down on the couch. I pull him in for a kiss and start making out, but not too heavily. Then I hear footsteps.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Dad exclaims. Justin and I pull apart quickly and feel embarrassed.

"Dad...heyyyyy...I'm just...uh..." I try to explain to him.

"No, no, no. I've seen enough. Justin...I think you should go." Dad says with a disappointed face.

"I agree. I'm sorry about what you guys have been through in the past, by the way. I truly am." Justin says as he starts to leave and has a guilty face. Dad realizes that I told him and looks at me angrily. As the door closes and Justin is gone, Dad starts to scold me.

"Okay, Angelina. Explain." he scolds me as he crosses his arms.

"Dad...I don't know. It...It just happened. He said he wanted to get to know me a little more and I told him that I've been here my whole life and about what you guys have been through in the past. Then he said he liked me." I admit, feeling a little intimidated by Dad's anger.

"But, you two just met today, did you not?" he asks me.

"Um...y-yes...?" I answer hesitantly.

"You shouldn't be dating on the same day you met. That's just not right, darling. You're moving too fast." he scolds me.

"That's what he thought. After he said he likes me, he felt guilty that he was going too fast. I told him not to worry about it cuz I like him, too. You don't know him. He's actually really kind. He said I'm lucky to have you and the others in my life since you guys have overcome so much." I say to him, starting to tear up.

"That is really nice, but...yeah. He's right. You are lucky to have us. Cuz we're your family and we'll always help you cope with anything. We don't want you to suffer like we did. Especially like your mother did. She had so much anxiety, she needed a shoulder to cry on constantly but I still loved her for who she was and I never thought of her as a burden since she needed to cry on my shoulder countless times. Me, your mother, Chuck, and the others will always be your shoulder if you need to let out a cry. And...if we're never around, I guess he...can be your shoulder, too." he says as he looks down in guilt. I start tearing up at my father's reconsideration. I reach my arms out for a hug. Dad gives me a hug and knows that I need a shoulder to cry on, but I'm not sad, I'm happy.

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