Chapter 15: Stories About The Past/Hormones

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Four years later, Angelina and Chuck are now 13, I'm 29 and Newt is 30. Chuck decided to come hang out with us at our cabin today. I noticed Angelina is thinking of something and she's been pretty quiet today. I walk over to her.

"You okay, sweetie? You seem quiet." I say to her in concern.

"Yeah, I'm okay. It's just...I remember when I was little, I asked you how you and Dad met, and you said you'd tell me when I'm older, I old enough to know now? I've been wanting to know for a long time how you two met." Angelina asks me.

"Same here." Chuck chimes in.

Newt and I exchanged looks.

"Very well, then. We'll start from the beginning." Newt says to them. Angelina and Chuck sit on the floor and stare at us with eager faces.

Guess it's story time. I thought with a smile. Newt and I tell our daughter and our nephew everything that happened and started when I first came to the Glade.

*time skip*

"...then I woke up here at the Safe Haven, reunited with your father, cured from the Flare, and he gave me the most heartfelt letter, expressing his love for me, and saying goodbye to me in case he wouldn't make it from the Flare. I've kept it. Here, you can read it." I finish the story and give her Newt's letter that I kept. Newt and I watch her read the letter with Chuck reading it over her shoulder. Angelina started to get emotional at the end of the letter and started smiling. Chuck was in awe.

"Wow...That...That was beautiful, Dad...That you wrote all of this for Mom. Did these words come from your heart...?" Angelina asks Newt while wiping her tears. He nods in response. Angelina chuckles and more tears stream down her cheeks and she hugs both of us.

"And...that was a beautiful story that you told us...Everything that you've been through...And Mom, you were really brave, you survived all those obstacles and got through those like that. You and Dad's love for each other is really strong that...I can really feel that love..." she sobs happily.

"Yeah, your mother was a brave girl, even though she needed a shoulder to cry on a few times. She was, and is, and will always be my love." Newt says. I giggle and feel swoon over those words and Newt gives me a kiss on the lips.

"And that's so cool that my dad and my mom actually fell in love after singing at your wedding. They never interacted before that and while they sang, they, felt this connection like you two had?" Chuck asks in awe. I nod in response.

"Wow..." Chuck exclaims in surprise.

"I hope I find love someday here at the Safe Haven." Angelina says looking down. I wrap an arm around her.

"You will, sweetheart. Believe will. Once you find him or he finds you, you're gonna feel something like you've never felt before with anyone." I say to her with a smile.

"As long as he treats you right and I wanna meet him first." Newt says with a stern face. I nudge his arm with my elbow in annoyance.

"Oh, stop it." I say to Newt and roll my eyes.

"Yeah, Dad." Angelina says to Newt in annoyance. Newt rolls his eyes that his daughter is now becoming a teenager and his wife is allowing her to find love. I chuckle at his reaction.

"Hey, Angelina, let's go torture Uncle Gally again!" Chuck says with a big smile.

"Oh yeah! He literally can't stand little shits like us!" Angelina smiles and follows Chuck out the door.

"Language!" Newt scolds at her.

"Sorry!" she says as soon as she heads out the door with Chuck and closes the door.

As they leave, it's just me and Newt alone.

"Newt, can you let it go? She's growing up. It's normal to have these hormones when becoming a teenager." I say to him as I know what he's thinking.

"I know, I just don't want our baby girl to get hurt. I swear, if anything were to happen to her, I..." he replies as he starts to feel uneasy. I put my hands on his cheeks and get him to look at me.

"Newt, hey. Shh. Easy. It's okay. Calm down. Just breathe. In...and out. Good, good, good. You okay?" I whisper to him to calm him down. He nods in response.

"Yeah. Thanks, love." he whispers.

"You're welcome." I reply and kiss him on the lips. As we pull apart, he kisses me and then we make out on the couch for a little bit and then cuddle while the kids, who are now teenagers, drive Gally crazy.

Paradise in the Safe Haven (SEQUEL to Maze Runner Newt x girl Glader)Where stories live. Discover now