Unrequited kiss ꕥchapter sevenꕥ

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I kissed her I kissed her that was the biggets mistake of my life I should have just buried my feelings

Y/n ✨POV✨

I threw my heels on the grass and took off my cloak the cold snow hit my shoulders but I was hot from running around

I ran up to draco and put my hands on his shoulders and put my feet on his shoes he grabbed my waist and we swayed with the song and twirled around and around till it felt like forever

"So what happened that night on the train" I asked while we were dancing "that's a story for another night" "ugh you asshole" i luaghed afterwards "you look pretty tonight" he said in a low voice "thankyou" I placed my head on his shoulders he put my hand in the air and spin around I fell and he caught me "I'm gonna keep asking you know that right"

"Yes I do" he smiled and kissed my forehead we stopped and vanished into the bushes i didn't put my shoes back on or cloak the snow was getting in my hair and we were far enough so that we could barely hear the music

He turned around to face me his hands were on my waist he picked some snowflakes out of my hair "look if you don't want me to do this then we don't have to" he let go of my body and walked away "wait no I want this" I grabbed his wrist and his hand was on my cheek his white hair hair brushed my forehead my heart was racing I could feel his breath on my lips we were so close

His breath smelled like mint and honey with sugar his lips collapsed into mine it was soft like a feather the butterflies grow in my stomach and I opened his mouth with my tounge

He returned the favor and he held my face to his hand found my waist again and leaned in more "what are doing!" A deep voice yelled as a tall boy came from the bushes "you bastard" the boy threw a punch it was Cedric diggory he started to tackle him "you know I'm stronger than you Cedric" Malfoy spat at him while he was on the bottom I was frozen I didn't know what to do "stop just stop Cedric get off him" draco blew off Cedric he landed on some bushes "holy shit"I said "she's mine" Cedric yelled and came back draco pulled out his wand "don't do this Cedric" Malfoy said "so is this what it is are you two together I should've known" draco said while letting go of his wand Cedric ran at him and punched him in the nose his eyes were watering from the pain "you asshole" draco hit him in the throat and Cedric fell on the ground trying to breath then tripped him "stop you guys are gonna kill eachother I'm not his or yours draco god you guys are idiots" I started to walk away and pick up my cloak

Aruna ✨POV✨

I was in blaises arm eating some flower cupcakes I saw Y/n yelling and draco following her I ran over "what the hell did you do to her what the hell happened who beat you" I reached up to touch his face he blocked me "leave me alone" he stomped up the stairs trying to get up to her and carrying her shoes "wait" he yelled as he climbed up to her

Draco's ✨POV✨

"Wait Y/n I didn't mean that and you know it" she ran to her room i grabbed her wrist and held them up to the wall she was scared "I don't own you I like you ok" I said calmly my throat hurting after yelling

"Well you have a hard time showing it" she shouted and yanked her wrists away I let her go fearing I might bruise her

" and I'm sorry for that I don't know how to show love" I stood beside her she went to her bed sat down and started to play with her dress I went over to her and kneeled down by her thighs

"Since we're confessing things I build up my emotions until I break and can't handle it anymore sometimes I hurt myself cause it's just to overwhelming"

I turned her arms over and some scars were on her skin i kissed her arm "i know that you won't stop for me but I want you to know that I hate to see you hurt and I would never hurt you" she placed her hand on my cheek I touched her hand Brang it down and kissed it

I sat beside her we sat in silence as she cried she sobbed until she was tired and fell asleep on my shoulder I brought her down to put her under her covers god what have I done to her inoccent heart I ruined it I always ruined it

Y/n ✨POV✨
I woke up I was all sweaty and my face was warm and wet tears were on my pillow my green dress was still on "draco?" I whimpered I didn't want to loose him god I made a mess and it's my first day

He wasn't there I mean I know it wasn't that much of a realashonship but it still hurt that he left me

That's what I get for being happy this always happen I'm happy for one second then it all falls apart and it's always my fault

Aruna wasn't in the room it looked like it was three a.m. I took of my dress and put it on the floor I opened the bathroom door the towels were on the counter I set the bath went back to face the mirror a small lost girl her eyes were red and her hair was sloppy she looked like an angel but really was a horrid monster nobody cares about her she was worthless I cried some more why did I hate myself so much

I stayed in front of the mirror for 10 minutes until some one knocked on the door "Y/n are you in there" "draco is that you" "yeah sorry I helped aruna with something" he said through the door" "well I'm taking a bath" I said "do you want me to leave" he asked "no! I mean no uhm can you just wait for me" "yeah of course"

We talked through the door about our favorite songs colors and our pets back home I was in the bath for like half an hour I wrapped my towel around and opened the door he was sitting on my bed he came over and touched my face "your eyes are red I'm so sorry" I took his hands off me "I'm ok" he sat back down on the bed not glancing at me I put on a black tank top with some grey sweatpants on

"Draco come sit over here" I pointed to the desk and grabbed out my first aid kit "it's fine it won't hurt" I said as I unzipped it and brought out some rubbing alcohol wipes he tried to turn his head away "you know for a tough guy your really like a bunny" I started to wipe his bloody nose with the wipe he grabbed my wrist

"Sorry" he said and put his hands on his lap after fifteen minutes his face was cleaned he looked semi normal I put some Band-Aids on his nose

                After I put it on we leaned into eachother and our lips started to touch and I could taste his sweet mouth "what the fuck" I bit his lip "ah" draco reached up to his bottom lip I stood up "draco? Y/n" "hi aruna" I said "what are you doing with draco"

"I- uhm ....." "we're dating godanmit" i turned around " we are!" I jumped into his arms an legs he kissed my cheek he started laughing "we are"

"Ew" aruna said "draco get out" she sat on her bed and started to play on her phone he got up and carried me on the bed "see you tomorrow"

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