Give her back ꕥ chapter eighteenꕥ

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Y/n ✨POV✨

         The window opened "hello precious" a small deep voice whispered it wasn't draco I couldn't move I was so cold a snake was wrapped around my legs and waist it slowly came to face
"Draco isn't here to protect you he left you" he left he promised he wouldn't leave no he still here I tried to move my eyes but I was frozen it was like sleep paranoia

         The snake got tighter I couldn't breathe I I could only hear snake hissing it felt like hands reached my stomach and dragged me out I hit my head on arunas desk I couldn't see straight I pulled my hand to my head my body felt so heavy there was blood I flew out the window and a black cloak around my naked body it was still freezing I could feel the wind and snow on my legs I was on a broom I tried to look at the person who it was the warm blood I started to taste in my mouth it dripped down my face

         I could finally move I looked around but i turned to fast my body fell off the broom I saw him the monster it was Voldemort he was evil he was smiling I started to scream in an attempt to get attention nothing worked I was to far where did he take me I looked down and saw the blue dark water i crashed down the water swallowed me when I touched it

   It was like a tidal wave the water filled my mouth and I drank so much it felt like bricks broke my back it was so cold I could see the light on the sun fade as I went down deeper it was to cold I was so tired I moved my arms but it felt like quicksand I couldn't get back up I wasn't floating up the bubbles started to pop it started to go black I moved my head and my hair started to come in my face I brushed it I was naked I was snatched out of bed i reached up draco really did leave me

     He didn't care for me at all I was naive I realized I was just used this is it I'm so dumb I didn't want to live anymore I let the water come in my lungs I wanted to go I closed my eyes and let my life go it was time anyways

Draco's ✨POV✨

       I followed Voldemort "don't you fucking dare" I shouted I screamed so loud I needed her I couldn't breathe without her Voldemort crossed the dark forest I couldn't find him for a while is stopped there he was he was standing at the shore looking at something his shoes were barely in the water I dived down to him
"What the hell did you do"
He stood silent with his arms crossed I grabbed the collar of his cloak
"Where the hell is she"
He smiled and looked at the lake
"You son of a bitch"
I ran towards the water my breathing was heavy I dived down in the shallow water trying to go deeper in the water I couldn't find her I came back up my eyes stung I did bed again down please be alive please y/n I love you you can't leave me yet my cheeks were warm from my tears I could taste the saltiness in my mouth when they reached my lips where is she I swam till my arms were tired I didn't give up I needed her I dived back down I was so far from the shore I saw her her arms were reaching for the surface I swam but it was to hard I didn't give up

      I can't just leave her she was the only one that made me feel happy please stay alive for just a few minutes I couldn't reach her I was so close to her but I kept loosing her I finally touched her fingers she was already gone you could tell her she was in my arms if she was dead I ignored my thoughts I swam to the top I gasped my throat burned for air I probably swallowed some while I breathed I almost went under again she was still wasn't breathing it felt like thirty minutes till I could reach the shore again

                        He was there I saw his face he was evil it didn't matter she needed to breath i put her on the rocks her poor body there were bruises on her back probably from the impact of the water I blew air in her mouth with tipping her head back pinching her nose I started to pump her chest I swear I was going to break her rib cage I was hitting her so hard please don't die she sat up and so much water came out she threw up for five minutes I reached the cloak I got for her I had a blue plaided dress also something t wear under her robe it was probably something she wanted or desired to wear I wrapped the robe around her

     Her lips were like blue glass she was so cold I wrapped her around and picked her up she was in no shape to walk I turned to face Voldemort he took out his wand and stabbed it in my throat
"Let go of the child"
"Fine crucio"
With the words i shot out as far as five meters but I didn't let her go my back landed on some rocks and my head hit a tree something howled dither in the tree line I looked over at the monster
"Give me her now "
"I said no"
"Ok then petrificus totalus"
I dropped down he petrified me he walked over and tried to pick up her she scratched
"No please no get away" he kept trying to pick her up till he had enough and hit her I wanted to kill him for that
"Now do as I say brat"
He picked her up as she cried I don't want him to touch her for my enchantment wasn't strong enough for it to crucio him god I'm such an idiot I wasn't thinking of him at the time he disappeared into the trees I tried to scream I couldn't i was so sleepy I was so drowsy and Nauseous I fell asleep and passed out

Y/n ✨POV✨

     He was so much stronger than draco I bet he left a mark he didn't let me move an inch it hurt he squeezing me so hard but I knew not to speak I wasn't that dumb he kept waving his hand while we walked deeper to the forest I looked I've it draco he was floating behind us
"Draco is fine my darling" I stayed silent
"Speak" he squeezed harder I couldn't breathe
I just spit in his face he was so angry he threw me down and I tumbled down a hill I was stuck in twigs I was so cold I was waiting for anything something

     Draco's body was threw down to it was a cave with oak trees his body thudded I couldn't feel my legs they were numb I crawled to draco
"Wake up don't leave"
"He might wake up if you keep begging like that I heard he like sit when you whine"
"Shut up" he smiled and leaned against a tree looking at me
"Your a pathetic excuse"
"Shut up!!" I yelled it echoed through out the cave butterfly's were flying everywhere I was so tired I crawled one more time and landed on his chest I couldn't move anymore I was Exhausted he wasn't the alien man anymore he turned into a boy like a teenager he wasn't less than a monster though he hair brown hair and a deep accent I turned my head to look at draco I kissed him on the lips this might be last I could
"He's dying you know and he will"
"He won't I know it he will keep living for me"
"In a few minutes the demonters will come and either eat you or him just give me your soul and he will live"
"We both know that's a lie— Tell me how do you give up your soul" he stalled "you know I could give you everything you want"
"I want draco not everything — so just tell me Voldemort how do I give you my soul"
"Oh so your up for suggestion"
"Just tell me"
"Yes or no y/n"
"That's not what I asked"
"Neither did i"
"Fine let's make a deal give me your soul and draco lives"
"Tell me how first" he sighed in frustration I'm not giving draco up
"Ok first you need a clear stone not glass pure stone breathe your life into it and bam your soul is in the rock and the other person swallows the stone and gains the soul"
I looked around
"I have the stone idiot"
He turned out his pockets and a small see through stone was in his palm he tossed it on the ground and rolled his eyes at me I grabbed the stone he pushed his foot on my hand I'm pretty sure he cracked on I screamed in pain he liked the sound you could tell on his face "no games darling" he lifted his foot I scooted my hand away I whispered to draco "I love you and I'm sorry" I knew he was gone already but I still needed to try


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