Drowning ꕥchapter twelveꕥ

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Y/n ✨POV✨

      We were back in me and arunas room it was hard to breathe in there the floor was dirty with my clothes my bed wasn't made and I had a headache I always do after I cry I just didn't know what to do anymore i sat on my bad with my head in my arms and my knees Tucker's between them I just didn't know how to feel ok again

         I was laughed at today how could I go back again especially Cedric that oaf what was he thinking why does he want me I don't understand I was so angry I grabbed my pillow and threw it at the wall it didn't make a loud noise Wich I wanted it to

  I started to yell why did I have to go through this what was the point of me having pain or drama right now i started to pick up my stuff and give up over and over again I didn't get anything down I was failing all my classes

The window flew open and arunas paper on her desk started to fly everywhere I ran over and looked up at the window there were three butterfly's they started to giggle they picked at my sleeves I started to fly around the room I started laughing I didn't know that they could do these Voldemort was doing this for me I saw a butterfly in the tower room

My head almost reached the ceiling they dropped me I screamed and they cuaght me "let's not do that again" I chuckled nervously they started to laugh more "ow hey" they started to pull my hair and bring me to the window "wait wait wait" I held onto the window seal they were to strong someone shoved me out the butterfly's started to bring me higher and higher the ground was starting to grow smaller and the huge castle looked like a small house they started laughing but it wasn't cute fairy giggles it sounded like a phycopath with a deep voice

"Please don't do this" I tried to talk to them they let go of me I started to fall the clouds were at my side i couldn't breathe the air was to strong for me to inhale the ground was getting closer all the students looked out the windows they were pointing at me why wasn't anyone going to save me I tryed to gain an advantage and slow down but I couldn't I just kept falling the voice came back Voldemort loud though not just a whisper but it sounded like someone was yelling my someone wrapped their arms around me it was draco

He looked at me his eyes were sorry he looked sad "I love you" I couldn't see anymore I just fell asleep I was on the ground I gasped for air I felt like I was having a panic attack everything was spinning "what the hell happened" aruna was kneeling next to me I could her her but I couldn't understand anything it was like I rubbed my eyes for to long

"Draco he was" I passed out

Arunas ✨POV✨

Evryone was pointing and yelling I thought it was a school fight so got to the court yard but Draco was on his broom bringing down y/n "whats happening" I asked him he ignored me and took her into the Infirmary he talked to the nurses while I sat outside the room on some chairs he grabbed me and said "we need to talk" we went to my room "look Voldemort has it out for her" he said "what.. what do you mean" I stumbled over my words "look I did a spell to make her safe and I couldn't do one against him so that she could be safe from him and now I just she's gonna die because of him" he started to rant on "wait wait slow down a second what"

"He's to strong for me to put a curse on and he has some grudge against her" I didn't know what to think I just sat down on my bed speechless "she can't be saved remember what he forces you to do I mean you killed Harry Potter for gods sake" he slammed the table "I know I know just please help me " he knelt down on my bed "please aruna I love her I need her just don't let her die" he started to hurt me he grabbed my legs "ow ok but how" he got up and started pacing "I don't know I have to go before Voldemort knows I'm here just please keep her safe" he got up and went through the window he looked at me "please" before he went and he disappeared again I knew I had to act quick I ran down to the infirmary

The nurse grabbed my shoulder when my hand touched the door knob "you can't go in" she said "what do you mean she's my best friend" "I'm sorry but—" I opened the door anyway and she was asleep or dead I don't know but she wasn't moving "is she ok" I turned around to face the nurse "yes but she's running a fever and I don't know how long she has to stay here but she's not well" she said it was silent afterward "look I know you care for her but her seeing you she will get more sick" she said "that doesn't make sense"

"Her sickness is caused by stress she's having constant headaches and the shock she just went through by almost dying it's just to much for her body" "what sickness what do you mean" I asked her "just please leave before she wakes" she grabbed my shoulder I looked at her she was breathing but faintly she was beautiful she was just broken without draco I don't know how to help her anymore I looked back at the nurse and nodded we stepped out of the room and I knew she would be at risk I just went back to my room I closed the door the room was a mess

I started to pick up my papers it was cold the window was open I stepped on my chair onto the desk and shut the door a small butterfly wing was on the window seal it was broken off I knew he was going to kill her I had to watch her and be around her all the time or something bad might happen draco loves her

Draco's ✨POV✨

    She was sleeping she always left her window open at night i was on my broom watching her look what I've done I hurt her and I can't help her I loved her so much she had glossy lips and her cheeks were soft she had some drool on her lip I chuckled I remember when I held her at night I miss her so much

   It felt like I couldn't function without her I felt like my heart was tearing I know it's cliche but it's how I really feel

As long as y/n stayed there he visited  her every night to make sure y/n was safe

     I could here her breathe go in and out of her nose it was so calming I'm not a creep I'm just I need her to survive god she so teasing I saw a light blink on my right side it was far from me I heard whispering and Cedric fly away what the hell is going on

A love like malfoysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora