Pain ꕥchapter eightꕥ

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Draco's ✨POV✨

            I walked to my room and saw Blaise lying on the bed aruna shoved past me and jumped on him "leave" she said with a smile

    I rolled my eyes and walked down to the common room my rings were on my hand I sat down on the couches and started to take them off and place them on the coffee table

    It was 4:oo AM the clinking of the rings echoed I sighed and sat back I'm scared even though I'm together with her what if I leave her

   I've fucked a lot of girls but she was different she didn't want me I ran my hands through my hair stressed out what's the next move "draco" Y/n whispered she was in her sweatpants and tank top with a pink blanket over her shoulders

   She stepped down the stairs and came on the couch her legs were on mine "Why did Cedric hit you" she said "I don't know we started to like you when we were in the train he kept on saying how your his something like that" she leaned in closer till she was sitting on my lap and I was holding her I felt possessive of her I didn't want to lose her but I know I have to let her go "y/n" "yeah" she replied

    "I want you but I can't be with you" I didn't want to hurt her "what do you mean" " I want to keep you safe and I'm not helping" she held my neck "but you are you make me happy and-" "y/n I'm toxic and a player i don't deserve you" she stopped speaking for a second "but I want you and I need your the only one I want"
She started to stand up "I'm sorry I'm sorry" I reapeted to her tears started to form in her eyes is this the effect I ha don her pain

     "Don't leave me everybody leaves me"tears started to form in her eyes "and I won't I just don't want to hurt you" I pulled her back down on me she curled on my body the tears reached my shirt "I'll be here" I reached for a ring it had a snake as it's holder and flowers on the scales engraved with the flowers were pearls and emeralds "here this is a promise I won't leave you" I kissed her head knowing that I will and I can't keep a promise but I will always be hers I slid the ring on her index and the snake tightened around it to fit her shape

         She laid in my arms until I went numb her breath on my chest she smelled good the tears dried up on my shirt and her skin I wanted to hold her forever but the sun rose and I took her to her bed she was still sleeping I laid with her till she woke up I stayed up all night just to make sure she's face I know what I had to do to keep her safe without me it was a Sunday I had plenty of time to plan I only had a few months to do it

Y/n ✨POV✨

When I woke up it was close to 11:00 draco was holding me while reading a book it was a leather book and some of the pages were breaking because of the age of it

     "Good morning snowflake" he said "good morning" I took the covers off me and started to stretch I walked over to the bathroom and draco was still reading the book

I got out my toothbrush and started to brush my teeth my mouth started to foam cause of the mix of toothpaste and water after I rinsed my mouth

                  I jumped on the bed and got on top of him laying on his chest he started to run his fingers through my hair "why do I get snowflake as a pet name" I asked him "because I kissed you in the snow and snowflakes were on your eyelashes" he looked back at his book while rubbing my back "can I call you asshole" he put down his book and started laughing "what why do I get that one" he said

       "Because I don't remember you ever asking to kiss me" he leaned down and said "can I kiss you" "mmmmmm no" I ran away he got me before I touched the ground he got on top of me and he leaned down and kissed my cheek "I'm sorry" he said he got off and layed down on the bed while holding me he reached over to read the book " I have to go I'm sorry" he got off the bed and started to put on his shoes

                                   "Where are you going" I asked while looking at him "the library" he said "can I come" "no sorry" he left without saying another word

Later at 6pm

  It was time for dinner I went to look for draco and the intermarry was by the library because of the quietness

        I stumbled in the room and Cedric was laying on a bed I felt like this was my doing i rushed over "please tell me your breathing" I touched his face trying to find some sort of of life "I am dont Worry" he stumbled his words with painful gasps

                        He touched my hands he was warm "just don't trust draco do you understand me" a nurse walked in "I'm sorry please leave he has induced serious pain he is no condition to speak to anyone" she had he hand clasped standing parellel to me I nodded my head and left

       I opened the wide doors to the library I went to the lady at the desk she seemed sort of mad "excuse me have you seen a boy with blonde hair he's a Slytherin" I asked politely "no such boy has entered" she licked her finger and move the page book

I turned around and started to look in the book sections the room was huge I reached 6 meters till someone grabbed me "hello snowflake" Draco held me close to him

     "Your in the restricted section" I whispered "I know" he smiled and started to skim the titles with his hands he picked one out with a black cover it had chains on it by the wave of his hand the chains fell into his hand he placed them on the shelf

       "What are you doing" I leaned over his shoulder he was much taller than me so I ducked under his arm he closed the book and placed it behind his back I started to kiss him he was caught of guard and I snatched the book from his hand I opened the book as I put my back on his chest it was filled with a Language I couldn't interpret  he smiled back his dimples started to crease

You could hear footsteps coming down draco grabbed me a teacher with yellow scarf of on picked out a book with an exotic title on it I was confused and was on the verge of laughing he left soon after and hid it his coat I started laughing "he didn't even glance at us what the hell happened" draco was laughing to "it was a non verbal spell that's makes us invisible to people huh I guess old people have kinks to" he started laughing so hard I was scared he wasn't breathing we went to dinner together

I was thinking about what Cedric said but draco broke my thought "hey you ok" " hm yeah let's go to dinner"

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