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That night's party was all about inviting the best influencers in the times, the richest couples, and all the perfectionists who wore their pressed gloves and neatly placed strands of hair. Most of these people moved stiff like their backs were tied to a flat board of wood. It didn't bother me, but I looked out of place as I let my arms swing freely when cutting through the party group. I had a loud voice and the slightest interjections that I added in a conversation would make it easy for anyone in the room to target me.

The man, Roy Henderson, sat in front of me with one arm around his soon to be wife and his other clutching a drink. He was one of the only men I had hang around me during these parties. I dare say that at the time I considered him a friend. The right sleeve of his jacket was wrinkled from constantly being curled over the cherry lipped lady. "Anyways," he continued while waving his glass at the footman to refill. "I've heard you had another interview. Got a name for the beauty yet?"

He was asking about the press meeting I had done days ago. It was for another magazine article. The questions were mainly about my betrothed and what I was planning on doing for the wedding. The marriage wasn't going to be done until another year or so, but they acted as if it were supposed to be coming that weekend. Anticipation was growing within the tons of young girls who swooned over the ideas of the decorations, the dress, and of course the party. Mother had already started planning it ahead of time so that it would be the biggest in the twentieth century. She had ordered the tablecloths, the crystal glasses and trays, wines, and had asked our head butler to start hiring more footmen just for that night.

"Yes, I had. About the wedding."

"Oh!" Roy's girl brightened after picking up on the conversation. She had been staring dreamily into his eyes just seconds before. "I read that last night!"

"Did you?" asked Roy.

"Yes! I think it's lovely that you're leaving America for the honeymoon." She clasped her hands together while giving a look to Roy.

"It'll be in England, Edinburgh to be exact. I just hope the ride there won't be too tiring."

"Might ruin the night," added Roy. "And you've still not gotten a word on her residence?"

"No, I haven't. It'll be as much of a shock to you as it is for me the day of the ceremony."

"Arranged marriages are all the rage now," interjected Roy's girl. "Only because of you, Turner."

"Yes, it's certainty gripping. I'm trusting my advisors for their choice." I took a sip to hide my irritation.

"She must be wealthy! I would die to meet her right now!" swooned Roy's girl. "I wonder..." she glanced at Delilah, "would she have a bigger wardrobe than Miss Seamless?"

"Don't be so desirous, it looks ghastly," said Roy. "Manson, don't worry, your girl will be as filthy as you and, no matter what, you both will be a pair. But watch out, she could eat you alive for all you know!" He laughed before leaning forwards closely examining my face. "I think you have something right there."

My fingers pressed at the makeup caked welt on my lower lip. "Oh, I fell."

"Too many drinks I suppose! You better be careful! Damaging your face too often could make you less appealing and I'm sure your lady wouldn't like that," said Roy.

I forced a weak smile.

The footman came back handing Roy another glass. His girl started to fuss over how many he'd already had. I was glad he got busy; it gave me time to retreat to the other corner of the room where I saw that familiar figure wearing a distinctive low-cut dress. I stepped from behind her to listen in.

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