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There's a young girl laying on her bed
Her first day of highschool starts tomorrow
You may think, that's not a big deal
It's not like shes going to war
But to her she's already in bootcamp
Tomorrow she'll arrive beaten
Not because someone assaulted her
Not physically, no her mind beat her
And she wasn't prepared
I'm not saying school is a bad place,
I'm just saying perspective isn't from a single point
There's a boy that the whole school hates,
He has a reputation for violence
But when he goes home, he's the victim
To an alcoholic father with a similar infamy of violence
I'm not saying to forgive the boy
I'm not saying he's innocent
I'm just saying perspective is an interesting thing
There's a little girl who still struggles to tie her shoes
All her friends have it down
You might think it's not that big a deal, she's young
But the reason she never wants to let you tie them for her,
Learning to do it herself it's the most important thing
To catch up with her friends
Is so important to her
I'm not saying all children think like that
I'm not saying it's wrong to think that
I'm simply saying perspective is something all people have
Young, old, mean, or nice
Sometimes you'll never understand
Because you don't see the world
From the perspective of the one you wish to understand

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