It's Ok to Be You

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Growing up is painfully arrogant
A stagnant parade of you're confused emotions
Unable to believe we are who we are
We search to be someone else
eternally spiraling
We find ourselves more out of reach
Never before were we so out of touch
With us
They make such a fuss over us
But why, why do you care whether I crash and burn
Or whether I learn to fly
This is an alleged declaration
I've decided who I am and I'm proud
For all the ones I left behind I'm sorry
But I can't dwell on you anymore my friends
People I helped
People who helped me
Thank you
But as you who have left me I shall finally leave you
And for those who stood at my side
I'm here
And I always will be
Remember this is about the memories
Everyone is unsure,
We all throw aside who we are
Dying to be who we think you need
Changing us.
Understand that there's a period in everyone's life
A period where we question who we are
Even though we've known all along
We listen to our devil's
Listen to our master
The puppeteer 
All the things that seek to conform us
But most of us meet ourselves again
We find that piece we threw away so long ago
And like a garden we water our future
Fertilizing the ground we walk
And we realize that just one piece
That's all we need
To figure out who we are
One simple piece of me
If you
And finally you see yourself in the mirror
One more
You're you
You're alive
And that's ok

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