Puzzling love

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Love is confusing
Not confusingMost people are just confused
We don't know what love is
Yes we do
Love is a chemical reaction in the brain
Haha, sorry
Let's move on, this topic is a little too much
Candles, wait
Am I the only one
Only ever seen romance on the video box
Perched on your living room wall
Sorry scratch that. . .
Let's move on one more time
This time to a topic
Easier to explain
Wait, but yet not
Yes let's do that
A good relationship
Like a puzzle
I think most would agree
Wait, maybe not
Most probably think of a perfect puzzle
Store bought
Fresh from the box
Cleanly fitted together
Minimal effort, no gaps
Could be wrong
No maybe you have an opinion
Don't care
Sorry but I'm a little too busy
Mid explanation
Sorry detoured again
Here we go
The sad truth
The realistic reality
And the often occurrence
Most relationships are like an old puzzle
Sitting in the closet hall
Pulled from the box
Coughing as you blow the dust
Scattering in the air like uninteresting glitter
Old deformed pieces
They still fit together it's just unclear how
You spend hours pressing pieces together
Do they fit?
No one will answer, you're alone
Eventually you succeed
Finding two pieces that fit
Don't get excited
Don't sigh with such relief
It's too soon for that
Cause it takes effort to push them together
There are holes in the seams
But that doesn't mean they don't go together
It just takes a bit of work
Cough, still though
There's alot of dust
Relationships aren't new puzzles
They're old treasures that takes effort to put together

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