I love you

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In an endless garden of flowers
I will always pick you
Late at night my thoughts drift to you
and our love that is brand new
You make me laugh when I want to cry
make me live when I want to die
make me smile when I want to frown
You turn my life upside-down
Believe in me when no one else does
You're my now, my is, my ever was
When I'm with you time flies by so fast
It's like the present is the past
I need you more than you can believe
Love you more than you can concieve
Think about you every night and day
I don't understand why I feel this way
But I don't think I want to feel any other way
I wish you knew the way I felt
Everytime I listen to you
I wish you knew my heart would melt
When I thought of me and you,
I wish you knew the pain you caused
When you choose to love someone new
I was about to tell you but I paused
When I tried to say.
"I Love You."

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