Seek and you Shall Find

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I could hear Skye foot steps in the brush of the forest, hard not to with the way she walks.

It took us a while but after an argument of who gets to go first I went off to hide in the dense shrubbery of the adjacent forest.

The argument didn't last long, because we came to an agreement to settle it over a game of rock, paper, scissors, in which she is lost.

But with that aside I awaited the moment she would find me, because I really had to pee.

"Hurry up." I mumbled trying to keep quiet ad I shuffled about hoping I didn't pee my pants.

Next thing I know I see her head peaking over the side of the tree I was hiding behind "Found you." She giggled and I smirked in return.

"You're turn." She said with that girlish smile of hers. "Give me a minute." Was all I said before wandering off.

"Let me guess, you have to pee, don't you?"

I blushed, but not the cute oh you found out my secret kind of blush, more like the I am so embarrassed I want to go hide under a rock.

"You know you could've gone? We're both chicks."

"Yes but, I, I just don't feel comfortable doing my business around you."

I know I sounded silly, but, I actually needed privacy. Weird enough as it is.

"Hey I'm not saying you need to strip down and bathe with in the creek with me, but I completely understand."

I wanted to stay and chat, but at that precise moment I couldn't wait any longer.


Pactience never was one of my strong suits, so after what probably was only five minutes, I wandered around seeing if anything stood out.

For the most part all I saw was trees and bushes, what else would you expect in a forest? But what caught my eye wasn't a tree or bush, it was something different.

I strided over to the shiny object hiding amongst the shrubery.

It was long and tubular, but nothing about it was special, by the looks of it, it was a telescope. "Who would leave this laying around?" I muttered to myself.

"He's coming." A faint cry faded through the air "He's coming."

"Who's there?" I spun around seeing if I could find anyone, but no one was there.

"He's coming." The voice said one last time before fading completely.

"Not funny Jemma."

"What's not funny?" She asked turning the corner of a tall leaning tree. "Did you here that?" By now I was concerned as I had no idea who it was that said those words.

"Here what?" Was all she said. "Run, he's here."

"There it is again!"

"Skye are you ok? Because I don't hear anything..." She stopped talking the look of terror on my face. "Don't move."

Of course her being Jemma she slowly turned her neck to see the giant black figure that loomed above.

She let out a scream so loud that I am sure you could here it across the world. "Run."

Only thing I could think of as I grabbed her hand and darted in the oposostie dirrection.

"We need to hide." Despite the fact this was a life or death situation I was calm. Jemma not so much.

"Where?!" She panicked and I lead her along. "Here." I pointed to a thick are of bushes that I was sure to hide us.

Only, the thing, was already there.

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