Night Together

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By the time I got a fire roaring it was already dark and I was still in my wet clothes. I began to take off my shirt to let it dry by fire when Jemma shouted at me "What are you doing? You could get bit by various bugs and a numerous am out of of other things..."

"My clothes are wet and I am tired and I would prefer not to sleep in wet clothes." I interrupted laying my shirt on a pile of rocks near the fire.

"Well it is very unconventional." She said crossing her arms.

"Well I'm sorry this is how I always lived. I don't know about you but I grew up with mostly boys."

I looked over to see she was taking her shirt off as well, I couldn't help but smile. But I quickly darted my eyes away before she saw me.

"I am not ignorant I saw you staring." Was all she said tossing her shirt towards me.

"I um... uh. I'm sorry if I upset you or anything..."

"Don't be silly, and besides I think it's time to live a little." She smiled and I smiled back. I am really glad that I am with her.

"Now as for shelter..."

"Shit, I didn't think about that at all!"

"Don't worry I took time into making some sort of shelter while you were out gathering wood."

"You did? thank god."

"It's not the best but it is better than nothing."

Any sort of shelter beats laying unprotected on the beach or the canopy of forest.

"Well I am exausted. I think I will go to bed." I said grabbing my shirt. Sure it wasn't dry but it was dryer and warm.

"Yeah. It's been a long day and we still need to find the others. So we should get some sleep."

I stumbled in the dark as I followed behind as we walked to where we would be sleeping.

"Here." Jemma said ushering toward a small pocket in between some trees.

"I covered the ground with some leaves and tied some branches together to prevent rain. It's not that big but..."

"It's perfect. We'll make a better shelter tomorrow. But right now we need some to get some sleep."

I layed down in on the leaves as did Jemma and I drifted off to sleep.

Overdrive (Skimmons Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora