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Chloe had been in Joey Drew Studios before, being in the music department but today, now, it was completely different. She remembered it being sorta bright and semi-decent, but now? Now it looked creepy and abandoned, she never remembered the animation department, so it was all forien to her. After she ran from Bendy, she found an old elevator, she remembered it went to the music department so she took it down.
"I'll find you, Uncle Sammy."
Chloe always called Sammy her "Uncle Sammy" because, even though they weren't at all related, she always felt he would help her, she even remembered how to get into his sanctuary without any audio logs. So she did just that. Though it was difficult to move in her skirt, because she made it out of welded metals, including her axe she always carried with her. However she couldn't help but feel like she was being watched.
"It must just be my imagination. No need to worry!"
Chloe heard footsteps at the other end of the side of the music department, but didn't dare to go there because of her timid nature.
She played the old song, and went into the sanctuary, and saw a message she never saw before "SING A HAPPY SONG, WHISTLE A MERRY TUNE, WAIT FOR HIS ARRIVAL, HE IS COMING VERY SOON"
"Uncle Sammy never wrote that. Atleast I don't think he did."
She heard close singing, it sounded like an old song Sammy would sing to her. But she was doubtful Sammy was there.
She then heard... Sammy's voice. There was no doubt about it. She turned and instead of the she used to know as Sammy Lawrence, she saw a muscular, pitch black, inky, man wearing a Bendy cutout mask and overalls.
"Uncle Sammy? Is that you? What happened here? Where is everyone?"

My best friend, Uncle Sammy. [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now