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Chloe wondered if there was anything outside the music department and animation department. Sammy said there was, but he doesn't want her getting hurt or worse. For, the ink can claim anyone that touches it. He knows that from personal experience.
"Can we please go exploring?"
"I already said it's too dangerous."
"You only said it was dangerous."
"It's the same thing, ya know."
"Whatever. Please?"
Sammy turned to Chloe to see the face he hates the most, her baby doll eye face.
"Chloe Montez, you put that face away right now. You know how much I hate it"
"Lemme go exploring!"
"No. And that's final."
Chloe sighed in defeat and muttered an "Okay. Fine." She went to the projection room and watched the same old Cartoon for what felt like the hundredth time.
"I wonder what it's like in heaven, mamma."
She knew her mother couldn't answer. But she still wondered. She often let her mind wander to distract herself from the cold reality that is the decrept studio. She wondered what was going on in the afterlife, but didn't wanna leave Sammy again after so long.
Chloe got a flash back from when she was little
"Uncle Sammy, when is mommy picking me up?"
"Soon little lamb."
"I'm not a lamb! You know that!"
"Right, right."
"Whatcha doin?"
"Wrighting a story."
"Ooo! Can I hear it?"
"Sure thing."

My best friend, Uncle Sammy. [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now