Sammy sighed as the two of them walked around, he noticed a figure behind the ink tub, but he couldn't warn Chloe before she got pushed under the ink and held down until she couldn't hold her breath anymore.
Sammy got pissed off and killed the man. He killed Joey Drew. Chloe was revived as an Alice Angel clone, Sammy could recognize her anywhere. They had a special connection to know how close or far the other one is.
"Chloe! You're okay!"
"Ofcourse I am, stupid,"
"You're still the same girl I knew and met so long ago.."
"Duh, let's just get going,"
As time passed, the two became closer and closer. She forgot most of her life aside from being in the studio. She knew Sammy was just being protective, but she felt he was taking it too far. That was true, Sammy was being overprotective over her to make sure he wouldn't loose her a third time.
"Sammy, do you really find it necessary that you always protect me?"
"Yes, little sheep."
"Not. A. Sheep."

My best friend, Uncle Sammy. [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now