Chapter 8 - Mum and Dad

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The next afternoon, while I was in my hotel and Natalie was napping, I got a call from my mum. I answered it and asked, "hello?"

She then answered with, "We're here!" I was guessing dad came too.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the airport. I'll be at your hotel in a few minutes!" She told me, then asked me what hotel I was in, and what room I was in. I told her that they could just stay with me because I was staying in a presidential suite. It was big enough for ten people. Also, it was really big for two, especially when one is a baby.

"Okay. See you soon!" She said, then hung up.

She was right. She was at the hotel in a few minutes. She walked into the suite and her and dad's mouths dropped open.

"Michael, this is amazing!! How can you afford this!?"

"Mum, I have lots of money from the band..."

"It's huge!" Dad said.

"Yeah. It can sleep ten or maybe more people. We don't need it, but I like the big kitchen, the huge living room, the nice-sized dining room and the balcony."

"There's a balcony!?" Mum loved balconies.

"Yeah. I'll show you."

We walked out onto the balcony and looked out over Miami. It was beautiful. I sat out here every night after Natalie went to sleep, thinking about Sydney.

"It's beautiful..." Mum told me.

"I know.. I sit out here every night, thinking about Sydney."

"How is she doing?" Dad asked.

"We just found out yesterday that the tumor shrunk dramatically. The doctor said it was a miracle. Also, she's starting to breathe better, little by little, because the cancer is slowly going away."

"Michael.. That's great!" Mum said.

"Yeah, but when I told her what the doctors told me, she told me that she wasn't going to get better. She said that she is still really sick and nothing can change that, but I disagree."

"I disagree too, but before you know it, she'll be better, and she won't be able to tell you she is still sick anymore," Mum agreed with me.

"I know. I'm glad," I sighed. We then went back inside, and I suddenly heard Natalie crying.

"Is that Natalie?" Mum asked.

"Mhm. You wanna meet her?"

"Yeah," she smiled. Dad smiled also.

"I'll go get her out of her playpen and bring her out here," I told them, then went into my bedroom and got her out of the playpen that was sitting right by my bed. I took her out to mum then.

"Oh my god, Michael, she's beautiful.." Mum admired her. Dad was standing behind Mum, looking at Natalie.

"Thanks, Mum."

"She has your eyes and your nose.. But her lips look like Sydney's.." Dad told me.

"Yeah," I smiled and nodded. I was glad Mum and Dad accepted her. I wasn't sure if they would, but I was glad they did.

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