Chapter 16 - Back at Last

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*Michael's POV*

We got off of the plane in Florida a few hours later. We got off the plane and I grabbed my suitcases while Sydney grabbed her small suitcase, Natalie's bag, and Natalie in her carrier. I had offered to help her carry all of it, but she refused. We got back to the hotel where my parents were staying, and they were still sleeping. It was six in the morning, though. 

Sydney and I walked into the one room and set Natalie's playpen up again right next to the bed. Then, we got into the bed beside each other.

"Michael.. This is a really nice hotel," she smiled.

"Yeah it is," I said back.

"I'm glad I can be sleeping next to you now and cuddle you and do whatever I want. I sleep better when I'm with you, and I always have. I don't like to have to be in the hospital beds with all of the IVs. Then, I can't even hug you right."

"Yeah. I'm glad you're out of the hospital too. Now we can do anything we want to.. I'm so happy, Princess."

"Me too, Mikey," she curled up to me and fell asleep. I think she does sleep better when she's with me. Within minutes, I was out too.


A few hours later, I woke up at 9am. Natalie was crying. I got up quick and picked her up. Sydney was now looking at me. She asked, "Can I feed her?"

That was the first time I heard her ask if she could feed her. I remembered the one time I gave Natalie to her and told her to feed her, but she didn't ask to that time.

"Um, yeah," I handed Natalie to her and she smiled. I handed her a bottle and she began feeding Natalie. This was the first time I've seen Sydney this happy. I couldn't believe she was better.

Sydney finished feeding Natalie, then put her back in her playpen. She got back into bed to sleep. She curled up to me again and fell asleep quickly.


Later that morning, I woke up once more at 12pm. I decided to get up and get some breakfast, which would actually be lunch. Mum and Dad saw that we were back and hugged me.

"Hey, Michael! We've missed you," Mum smiled.

"I missed you guys too," I told them.

"When did you and Sydney get back?" Dad wondered.

"About six this morning.." I answered, sighing.

"Oh wow," Mum was surprised.

"Yeah," I rolled my eyes because we had gotten back so early.

"Are you and Sydney going to come home with us? We're going back home in a few days."

"We probably will. I mean, there's no reason to be in Florida anymore," I smiled.

"Yeah, exactly," they nodded.

I walked back into the bedroom to see Sydney breastfeeding Natalie for the first time.

"Hey, Princess," I smiled. "I don't mean to offend you, but are you sure you're allowed to breastfeed?"

"I'm sure. I asked the doctors if I could," she smiled back, then looked back down at Natalie.

"Are you enjoying being out of the hospital?"

"Yeah. I can do anything I want, but when I was in the hospital, I could hardly do anything."

"Yeah.." I smiled at her. I enjoyed her being out of he hospital too.

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