Chapter 20

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She could here me and she was still in a coma and we could like talk. i was so happy.

They were now letting to people in. Cameron came in "dude check this out." i said to him. "okay kaley inhale deeply yes exhale deeply for a no." i said. "Do u love Cameron" i said to her. she exhaled deeply. "see look at that. she can hear us and communicate with breathing." k said standing up pointing to her. he just stood there in shock. suddenly one of eyes flashed open. so did the other. its been about a night that she has been here. or in her coma. Cameron and i just stood there in shock as she woke up.


i fought like a boss trying to move my eyes open. and i finally did. yassssss. I saw Nash and Cameron staring. "Kaley?" Nash said. "Yeah." My voice craked. "Your out of your coma." Cameron said confused. "Yeah so don't i get hugs and kisses?" I ask them. They walk over and gave me hugs and Nash gave me a kiss.

Cameron left to tell the boys. But when Cameron leaves the doctor comes in. "Hello miss Burrows. Umm your awake now." She says.Nash went to the bathroom. She comes close and she hooks me up to something and pushes the bed out the door. "Hey were are you going.?" I says paincking a little. So this hospital just opened up. She didn't answer me and went through another door and sat someone. "Your doing an interview." She says. "No i don't want to." I said sitting up. "Yes you do." She said leaving me alone with this man. "Hello Kaley." The voice says. I know that voice. Its Jhon. Wait John how did he get here. I called for the nurse but no one came. "Help!" I screamed. "No shut up." John yelled at me. I shut up. "You know Nash doesn't love you." He says. Pulling out his phone. "No he loves me." I say. He looks up and smiles. "Really then why was this taken 2days ago with his ex." He said with a smrik. "Ive seen that before. I was there when it happened." I said looking away. He got mad somehow. He walked over to were the shots are. He picked up one with red in it. And walked over. "If you scream you will die." He said walking up to me with the shot. He rolled up my sleeve and injected it to my arm. He pulled it out and thats all i remember.

--------------------------------- 2 Days later

i woke up on the bed in the hotel room. My leg cast was on still but my arm was just fine. I woke up from my nightmare. It all started when Cameron left. But no up until Cameron left it was all a dream. Nash and i finally got to see each other again. My back hurt so much. The doctor gave me a back brace. I turned around. And shook Nash. "Nash wake up please." I whisperd. He woke up and smiled. "Whats wrong?" He asks me putting an arm around me. "My back hurts alot." I said. "Do you want pain killer?" He asked me. I nooded. He got out of bed and got my pain killer. I laid on the bed looking at the sealing. Nash came back with my medicine and a glass of water. "Thanks babe." I said as he set it on the table then helped me up. I quick took it and gave the glass back to Nash. He set it on the end table. I laid back down and Nash got back into bed. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer. I snuggled up in his chest and fell asleep.

Today i got to go get my cast off of my legs then we can go to san fran.

We arrived at the hospital. We walked in only me in a wheel chair. We went into a small room and he cut the cast off. I got off the counter and we walked out.

We went back to the hotel to see all our stuff was in the car. "Thanks guys." Cam said walking up. We got into the car and this time i sat on the end by the window. Nash sat beside me then Carter. I finally fell asleep after about ten minutes. I woke up to see Nash smiling. I fly something in my hair. "Get it off right now Nash." I said strenly. He reached up and garbed a banana peel. He smiled and i feel back asleep.

A/n sorry guys this was short and crappy but i promise imcill try to make the next one better. Sorry again bye

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