Dublin Lovin

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"Attention passengers, we have landed at Dublin Airport in Dublin. We hope you had a great flight and have a marvellous and safe journey to your final destination," the captain on Carol's plane announced over the intercom as she got her suitcase and began to make her way off the plane.

It's only been a week since she last saw George but she's anxious to see him again. After the whole apocalypse-that-wasn't, Carol seriously needed a break from all this. The president of the United States ('OMG the president!') may have thanked her on behalf of the country and the entire world, but all she could think of was that she's finally having her second chance in life with George. It's all thanks to James Cor-- err, the AI for all the help it's done to give her life a push but of course she isn't going to thank him/it out loud. Her thoughts are the only safe place left from that... whatever it is.

She got teary-eyed as she came in through the gate after dealing with immigration, and saw his smiling face right away holding flowers and a sign with her name on it.

"Hey Carol!"

"George!" She squealed, unable to control her emotions as she practically dropped her suitcase and immediately ran and leapt into his arms as he spun around lifting her in the air.

"Oh god! I missed you," she purred into his chest as he hugged her as tight as he could. Pulling away, she craned her neck to give him a kiss. "I almost missed my flight because I thought I forgot my luggage and then it was all just in the back seat of the car."

"Sounds about like you." He chuckled at the thought of her panicking outside the airport and the cab driver likely reminding her there's more stuff in the back seat. "Oh god I've missed you too, I'm so glad you're finally here." George said, kissing her repeatedly all over her face.

"Right, speaking of my luggage, we should probably pick them up before the bomb squad approaches it for inspection." Carol gently pulled away from George and briskly walked towards her discarded bags. A random passenger almost tripped from one of the handles.

"Shit, I'm sorry! I'M SORRY!"

"Carol, don't make B-O-M-B jokes in an airport!" He said in a faux whisper and laughed as he helped her grab her suitcase. Afterwards, they made their way to the exit and requested a Lyft.

She felt her phone buzz as they waited for the ride. "That's odd, I don't remember turning my roaming on yet."

Unlocking her phone, she saw one new message.

"Did he say B-O-M-B? You know, Carol, if you guys wanted some KABOOM I can have an IRS member deliver it to you."

She looked up and noticed a security camera on a corner post swiveling towards their direction. She looked at it sternly and shook her head.

"Oh my god no," she typed back. "Don't you EVER say that again. Not even a day yet and I'm already going to be blacklisted as a terrorist!"

"Calm down, the phone's encrypted."

"What's up?" George asked.

"Huh?" She glanced up from her phone and looked at him, confused. "Oh, right. Uh, it's just Dennis. He's asking if I had a safe trip."

"Ah how's he doing?" George wondered, his arm wrapping around Carol as they got in the vehicle.

"He's actually doing well. Got himself a new government gig. Oh, and he got himself a new boyfriend!" She beamed at him, trying not to scream and scare off the poor driver.

"Aww, look at you both having great love lives!" George said.

Carol looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, smirking. "Both of us?"

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