Awkward Run In

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A wave of nausea hit Carol quite rapidly as she woke up a couple of weeks later. She slowly sat up from laying in bed.

"Whoa, oh my god." She complained as she clutched the back of her head. "Don't tell me I caught the flu."

"Actually, you don't." the AI responded on her phone

"And how would you know..your temperature is currently 98.4're normal Carol but according to your Ovulation tracker your hormone levels definitely are unusual right now and your period was supposed to start a weeks ago I cannot say for certain Carol but I think it's possible you're probably pregnant but we'll need a test to confirm that for sure"

"And you'll be prob puking incoming in 3....2...1..."

Right after the AI counted down Carol felt herself racing to the kitchen to hurl in the sink

Murphy got up from his spot on the bed at the sound of her retching and followed her. It stood close, with its head quirked to the side as if observing her.

She spat whatever taste was left in her mouth, took a napkin to wipe her face and noticed the dog. "Sorry, Murphy. Did I scare you?"

He whined and leapt on her as if to ask 'mommy okay?'

"Mommy's okay." She cooed to Murphy as she sat to the small couch in their living room. "Probably had bad shrimp last night. Yeah, that's it. Not flu /flu/. Stomach flu. Food poisoning, maybe."

The AI chimed in. "That is likely but unless you also have diarrhea along with nausea, pregnancy is 45% more likely than food poisoning."

"Okay I get it fine I'll go buy a test.." Carol said rolling her eyes "okay Murphy worm you need to go pee? And then we can go to the store and get a test! Huh? Would you be a good big brother?"

She gently placed Murphy down on the floor to pick up her favorite belt bag, a small shopping bag, poop bags and extra diapers for Murphy.

"Come on, Murphy. Let's go out."

After placing the leash on the dog, they both left the apartment heading first to the campus park.

"Perfect There is just an pharmacy down the street a couple blocks from the park" the AI said

"Yes, I'll just take Murphy down the park. Don't want to embarrass myself when he pees and poos himself in a store that needs to remain hygienic." She said as placed the phone in her pocket and put on the headphones.

"Ah good plan" the AI said

"That's another leaening curve for you. You may be studying humans but you definitely aren't ready for a pet."

"Come on, Murphy. Is it coming out yet?" She said, looking at the dog that's sniffing around an unsuspecting bush. "We've been here for almost 20 minutes." Her face was unusually losing color.

"Ooh boy another puke relflex coming up in 5 seconds!" The AK warned as Carol ran to the garbage

"Oh god. It's so bitter!" She fished for a piece of tissue in her belt bag, making a disgusted face.

A moment later, she felt a tap on her shoulder that made her turn.

"Carol, right? Is this your dog?"

Connor, George's colleague was holding Murphy with one arm like a toddler.

"Yes, oh my god." It dawned on her she probably dropped his leash as she ran for the garbage can.

He handed the dog over to her gently. "I thought I'd recognize those fluffy ears from afar."

"I didn't realize he ran away, I was waiting for him to relieve himself and... Well, I had to... Um... Go to the garbage." She petted the dog before placing him back to the ground. "Thank you for catching him for me."

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