Carol Finds Out George is Talking to the AI

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"Well don't act so shocked now, Carol. This man would have found out about me sooner or later," teased the AI.
"What do you think you are, my secret lover?" Carol remarked as she slowly lowered herself from George. "I mean, I'm sure I would've talked to George about this 'Superintelligence' that's taken over my life the past two weeks."
"Wait a minute, wait a minute. So, are you saying this thing that sounds like that chubby British talk show host is the same thing that copied the voice of Steve Buscemi?"
"He sounds like Steve Buscemi to you? Huh. That makes sense, I remember you binged Boardwalk Empire for a week and almost didn't eat."
"Wow, George. You really aren't good at figuring things out." the AI quipped out loud.
"Oh, with Dennis he figured out he likes Octavia. Felt like we were actually talking to her in the room. Then one guy, he said Adam Levine called him. I think it was some guy whose band was named Octagon Soup."
George nodded, but confused with what was going on. "That's a horrible name for a band."
"I know, right?"
"It's like they picked up a dictionary, randomly spread the book and marked off two words they found."
The AI interrupted. "Remember when I said there was an apocalypse just a week ago and someone was able to change the outcome of the experiment?"
"You mean that was Carol? My Carol?"
"Do you remember when I ran to your place and helped you pack before you left?"
"Yeah, and then I told you I was upgraded to business class." George smiled, remembering the sweet, sweet upgrade he got. "I honestly felt like George Clooney there, but with significantly fewer frequent flyer points."
"Well, I ran to your place that morning because I bumped into those NSA agents who said they have a bunker..."
"Wait, a bunker? Like, was it supposed to be a literal destruction of the planet?"
"Yeah, they were making me come with them to a bunker and I told them I'm not going if you're not there." She bent down to pet Murphy and continued. "Somehow they left me alone and there I was, waiting for the movers to take the rest of your stuff."
"Oh baby..." George said, tearing up and finally understanding why she was so emotional with him leaving that day, being that she thought she'd never see him again. He reached down to hug her .
"He wondered why I didn't ask you to go with me to the bunker." She pointed at her device, where the AI was currently speaking from. She sniffed before continuing. "How could I? The look you had on your face was so hopeful, like you had so many possibilities open in your future."
George cupped her face, wiping off the tears that were streaming on her cheeks.
"He even told me you have a 10% survival rate and I get 2%. I mean, makes sense. You do have longer legs."
"Yeah, that's true. You did that for me, Carol?" He asked, almost in a whisper.
"Not to ruin this touching moment, but I just want to point out that this is being recorded by the security cameras in the corner. I've already overwritten the data in their system which should show a time jump but it's not like they'll need it in the future. So, yeah, why don't you love birds settle this privately? Or proceed to replenishing your supplies."
"Hang on, didn't you initiate this reveal though?" Carol picked up Murphy, who started chewing on dead leaves scattered near them.
"What do you mean by settling?" George asked.
"By settling, I meant for Carol to explain to you what else happened and then you ravage her in your unit. Seems to be the pattern between the two of you."
Both of them looked at each other in shock. George piped up, "Don't tell me you've seen us do it?"
"Oh my god, you pervert! Is that how you get a hard drive?"
"Ha ha, very funny joke Carol. Where did you pick that up, The Best Dad Jokes of the 20th Century? I don't know why you're both shocked. I have access to a lot of data, your health records. I've seen everything there is to see. Even the mole right in your inner thigh, Carol."
Carol's eyes widened in panic, wondering what else this thing will reveal.
"I actually have footage. Let me see if I can..." the AI showed a loading screen on the device as the other two yelled a resounding 'NOOOOO!'
A video clip played and their eyes were fixated on the screen, expecting the worst. It was actually playing a clip of two bears wrestling in the wild.
"Here's another teaching moment for you. That's not funny."
"Don't test him, he might leak our videos to pornhub."
"George, don't give him ideas!"
"Actually, based on search data from several countries, the BBW category is actually in the top 10. There IS demand."
Carol facepalmed. George was simply bemused. "What's BBW?"
"Bath and Body Works, George." She murmured into her palm.
"It means Big Beautiful Women. It is the closest I can categorize it to. I would add it to MILF but she is not one--"
"Not yet." He looked over at Carol, who was red as scarlet at this point.
"Yeah, no joke, I do have footage of every one of your love-making sessions and it's quite something." The AI said as it finally played a clip of them both in a compromised position on the couch, making out.
"OH MY GOD..." Carol looked like she's about to faint.
"Remember what I said about wearing red?"
"No..." George is having a flashback of their 'business' date.
"Yes. Statistically, sexual intercourse between you two happens in higher probability whenever Carol is wearing red."
"Hoo, boy." She fanned herself as she looked the other direction.
"Red, in non-human primates, is a color conveyed by the females to attract males sexually."
"I always thought it was the color that angered bulls." George interjected, his tone sounded like he's enjoying the conversation.
"It attracted you to me like one." Carol joked.
"Are you calling him a bull or are you referring to the size of his--"
"Yes. That's exactly what I meant. Good catch," she cut off in a sarcastic tone. "You're getting better at innuendos."
"Want to go head back to our unit for a bit so I can show you my bull?" George winked at her.
Nodding slowly and slyly, she picked up the dog. "Come on Murphy, momma's gonna get you a baby bjorn after she rides the bull."
George picked Carol up bridal style and carried her to where they miraculously had an Uber ready for them.
"Oh, market now. Bull later." For some reason, Carol looked disappointed.
"We'd have the whole evening. Let's grab a meal there first and get Murphy some treats too. I'm actually hungry."
"Alright fair enough." She said as she settled into her seat.
"Here we are, Dundrum Town Center. What does m'lady feel like having?"
"I'm feeling peckish for some Japanese. Maybe sushi?"
"You sure you don't want dumplings?"
"Why ask me if you prefer something else?" She looked a bit disappointed.
"Thought it would be polite to ask my fiancé first then go for the attack."
"Wait, listen." He took the puppy from her lap as she got out of the car. "I see a Nando's sign right there. I haven't tried that yet and we can always have dimsum another time."
He let the dog down and held on to the leash. "Okay, but let's pick up frozen dumplings in the supermarket later. I saw a Tesco around the second floor."
"Sounds good. You seem to know what's good here." Carol said as they headed towards one of the entrances.
They made their way inside the building and off the bat, she saw a display of everything chocolate. Cheese knives, cartoonish slices of cheese, a wine opener, whole walnuts, and even a fried egg-- all made out of chocolates. The scent of cocoa butter, cream, and cacao embraced their nostrils.
"Oh my god, George! Look at those! Please, for the love of everything almighty let's go check it."
"I know you'd like that one, that's why I asked them to drop us off on this side. Come."
The pair approached the stall with the same fascination as Hansel and Gretel did with the gingerbread house-- only this time, there's no witch around.
"Guess you're feeding me chocolate while we make passionate love tonight." Carol directed at George, raising her eyebrows suggestively.
"Madam, please! Watch your language." He mockingly chastised. "We are in a public area and we're here strictly for business."
"Then I'm so not giving you any chocolates. Right, Murphy? Daddy isn't getting anything from us. Yes, he isn't."
"Honey, Murphy isn't allowed chocolates."
She used one hand to cover the side of her mouth. "I know. Don't tell him that!" She noticed something at the corner of her eye. "Look, they even have ones that are shaped like cheese graters!"
"Oh my god, look at that!" George said laughing.
"Do you think I can use that to grate the calluses off your feet?"
"What? No, you're not rubbing grater-shaped chocolate on my feet."
Carol looked down at her feet and found an empty leash.
"Shit! Murphy's gone."
"Fuck." Both scrambled and looked around the area, checking for their runaway pet.
"Oh no, Murphy! Murphy baby come to mommy!" Carol hollered, panicked.
"Hey, Steve? James? AI? Whatever you're called? Can you check with the cameras where Murphy is at?"
"Based on the feed from this area, your puppy is headed to the Michael Kors boutique."
"Where is that?" Carol asked, looking worried.
"To your left then straight."
Carol started heading towards the direction provided by the AI, while George followed.
"He's fine. He's just saying hello to a kid," the AI responded, showing them a video feed of a little girl smiling and petting him.
"Aww, look at the little doggy! Are you lost?" the little girl said, crouching down to snuggle.
"Oh, hi!" Carol said, panting. "Thank you for saving our puppy," she smiled at the little girl, wanting to make her day.
"Why hello there, fancy bumping into you and your furry friend again." A tall gentleman with curly salt and pepper hair approached from behind the girl.
"Carol, you know Connor?" George asked as he stood next to her.
"Right, forgot to introduce myself. Connor McMillan, English Literature. This is my niece, Keelin. And you must be George's...?"
"I'm his girlfrie--uh, I mean, fiance. He just proposed about thirty minutes ago."
"Yep." George agreed, looking proud.
"Some time after I bumped into you on the way to his classroom."
Conor's eyebrows rose. It seemed to peak his interest.
"Congratulations to both of you. Would love to talk more but we are on our way back home."
"But uncle, can I pet the dog a bit more before we leave?"
"Sure, sure! Murphy loves pets." Carol grinned at the girl, letting her pet the dog she's carrying.
The girl walked closer to them and reached for the dog's face. It licked her hand and she giggled at the sensation.
"Awww! Your niece is so sweet, Connor." She looked back up at him, smiling.
"Keelin, these lovely folks just got here and have probably more things to do. Come on, your mom must be looking for you now."
"Bye bye, doggie. I hope I can take you home."
"See you again someday." George nodded to both his colleague and his niece as they headed out.
"I want one."
"What, the jacket on display?"
"No, a little girl."
"But I thought we'll have our own little league team at home?"
"Well, you have to tell your swimmers I want someone I can put a dress on and doll up. Have you seen how cute that girl was?"
"We already have a puppy."
Carol just looked at him with big eyes as she had the bad case of the baby fever hitting her hard. "You know how much we want a baby too!"
"We can probably wait until we get back to the US, or maybe after marriage?"
"Look at you, Mr. Old School! Should we hold off the bedroom hijinks and wear the chastity belts until we hear the wedding bells?"
"Ha, very funny." He rolled his eyes but was still smiling. "Come on, you're just hungry. Can you please ask the AI where Nando's is."
"I am not your butler." It sighed before continuing. "Go straight down to your right and take one floor up."
"Thank you, and you may as well be if you're giving us all these things practically free." George said as Carol laughed. They took each other's hands so they didn't lose each other in a crowd on the way.
"That was amazing chicken. Why haven't they opened a branch yet in the US?"
"Yeah, they should open one in Seattle. Maybe close to Pike Place so we can eat there after we go get stuff from the market."
"There are now over 40 locations in the United States, actually. There's several in Washington DC though, not in Washington State." The AI chimed in.
"Then what are you waiting for? Let's buy a franchise!" Carol excitedly declared next to George as they got around the aisles at Tesco.
"Look at you! From corporate head to Peri Peri chicken peddler."
"You can be my executive manager. No, wait. You can be our creative head. You can be the copywriter and executive manager. What's that creative writing tenure for if we're not putting that into use."
"If you do that then expect partnerships with several minor and major league orgs, care of yours truly."
"Why not? Their fans are the target market anyway! Oh, and I think having a good franchise can help supply hot meals to several nonprofits my foundation is sponsoring."
"You know, that's what I love about you the most. Always thinking of those in need." George said, loud enough for her to hear as they rummaged the snack aisle.
She smiled and pushed the cart towards the frozen section up ahead.
It took them a minute to find the frozen dimsum and dumplings area, but they realized the store didn't really have much to choose from. They found some gyoza, which are good enough.
"Let's see..." He bent down to read the labels and scan for anything resembling East Asian. "Korean Barbecue dumplings. That's always nice." He took one from the freezer chest.
"Oh hey, this looks fancy." She slid the next freezer door open and picked up a bag. "Hoisin Duck gyoza. Sounds like a Peking Duck situation in folded dumpling form. Should we get one?"
"Yeah, go for it."
He picked up a few more items before shifting his attention to the standing freezers.
"Carol, do you think our children will like Chinese food?" He took out another frozen bag that says 'Toad in the Hole'.
"Maybe, if we let them try early. Or if I eat a lot of them while I'm pregnant with them. I remember mom saying she had so much cheese and cream when she was pregnant with me but I still ended up being lactose-intolerant."
"So, does that mean I have to keep all milk-based products away from you?"
"Yes, if you don't want me nesting in the toilet during the entire gestation."
"There's a 50:50 chance the babies won't be lactose-intolerant, so here's to hoping they won't be. Who else will snack on cheese with me?"
He added more items to the cart like frozen lasagna, chicken pot pie, butter chicken and pilau rice.
"What are those?" She pointed at the box that says 'pork faggots'.
George picked it up from the freezer display to read the description and ingredients.
"It says, 'Delicious pork meatballs seasoned with herbs and spices. Best served with mash.' Huh. I didn't know this was a thing."
"Neither did I. You know what? I say go for it. "
They went around some more looking for toiletries when Carol spoke up.
"I'm just remembering that last time we were in a grocery store together, I ran into you. Okay, granted the AI literally took me to where you were, but I'd like to think that's the day we officially got back together. "
"Did you avoid getting scanned at the checkout counter after you bought your individual servings of almond butter?"
"Yes, actually. They were kind enough to not point out I was dressed like a bar code unlike someone who sniffs garbage bags before buying them."
"What? I like the scented kind and you can't always tell unless you sniff them. I want them because I hate the smell of garbage." George answered in a serious tone.
"Nobody does. You have to realize though it won't be enough to cover up Murphy's doo doo."
"I know, we can train him to poo in the toilet. It's like potty training our first child!"
Carol looked like she was going to laugh and cry at the same time.
"Murphy do you wanna learn how to use the potty?" Carol asked, wheezing.
The dog just looked up at them from the baby holder of the cart as if questioning their insanity.
"What do you want for supper, honey?" Carol asked as she fed Murphy his back at their unit.
"What if..." He came out from the bedroom and walked towards the freezer, looking for something.
"I make us some dinner." He pulled out one pack of gyoza and frozen chow mein.
"Ooohhh, lucky me! Surprise me with your best dish, mister master chef."
"Yeah, the master chef at cooking frozen foods!" George winked at her.
Once Murphy was done with the last morsel on his bowl, she headed to the sink to clean it up. George, meanwhile, was humming to himself as he leaned on the counter, waiting for the microwave to do its job.
She dried off the bowl and placed it down next to the small plush bed they got from the pet store. "You know, I missed this."
"What, cleaning up after a small animal?"
"No, but I have no choice now that Murphy's with us." She stood next to him at the counter and he instinctively wrapped an arm around her waist. "I mean, just being around you and being able to spend the day. Coming home and sharing a meal with you. Eating leftovers because we had to stick to a budget. Sharing a room."
"I wouldn't wanna do it with anyone else but you." George whispered and she stood on her toes to kiss him, having a little difficulty due to their height difference.
The sound of the microwave chime surprised the both of them, making Carol jump and accidentally hitting George's nose with her forehead.
"Ow!" He clenched his nose as she placed a hand on his cheek.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry. Is it bleeding?"
He looked down to check his hand and didn't see any trace of scarlet.
"I'm gonna be fine." He patted her on the shoulder. "Go sit on the table and I'll bring out the food."
"I bet it's the AI's fault," she said to nobody in particular.
"What do you mean 'my fault'? Your machine just did what you set it up for."
Carol kissed George's nose hoping maybe it'd make it better. "I'm sorry, babe. How's that?"
As they finished their meal, Carol presented herself to do the dishes. He made the meal, she hit his nose. It just made sense she did the next chore.
On the table, George's phone vibrated with a new message.
You've been staring at her ass for the past five minutes. Why are you so thirsty?
He almost dropped his phone reading that and made a weird, choking noise.
Carol looked over her shoulder as she rinsed the plates. "You gonna be ok?"
"Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. I'm fine. Choked on my own saliva."
"Of course you did." Carol chuckled as Murphy hopped into George's lap.
Another message came through.
Based on Carol's period calendar, she is not due to ovulate until a few more days. Thought you ought to know.
He texted back:
What am I supposed to do with that information?
You're a grown up. You can figure it out.
"Who are you texting there?"
George immediately pressed the lock button on his phone before Carol could even see the screen as she peered over.
"Oh, just a google alert letting me know the current score for the league as of this week." He sheepishly placed the phone in his pocket.
"You nerd." Carol teased, lifting Murphy onto her lap as she sat into the chair next to him.
"I'm gonna, uh, head to bed. You done with the dishes?" He looked around the room, avoiding eye contact.
She carried Murphy into his bed. "Yes, sure. Gonna head there too in a bit."
He got up and hid the brewing arousal between his legs against the counter. He beelined for their bedroom door and awkwardly closed it.
"What's got into him?" It was rhetorical, but Murphy perked up at her voice from his small bed then lowered it back down to sleep.
Meanwhile, George thought it would be a good idea to undo all clothing on him and cover his lower half with the blanket. As soon as Carol got inside the room, he turned to his side to face her and rested a hand on his waist.
"Hello, sexy." He quirked his eyebrows at her. "Fancy meeting you here."
Her mouth opened in surprise and her eyes followed the trail of hair from his exposed chest to where it ended on his covered torso.
Out of nowhere, a familiar saxophone tune played. Both of them looked around and figured it was coming from George's phone by the bedside table.
'I feel so unsure...'
George shrugged and sat up to pull Carol into a kiss.
Carol, as she leaned towards him, could feel a small bulge between George's legs poking her thigh. "Oooh, is someone happy to see me?" She said winking.
"Someone is very happy to see you." George went back to her lips and gently pulled up the hoodie, giving himself access to the small of her back. Starting from there, he ran his hand up a little and brought it around to cup her breasts that are still nestled in her bra.
Carol moaned into his mouth as they continued to kiss. George fell back onto the bed and Carol followed. She laid on top, straddling him.
He took his hands out from under the hoodie and tugged it upward, signaling her to take it off. She pulled back from his mouth to remove it herself, hastily pulling it off one arm to another. His hands immediately snaked to her back and fiddled with the hook of the remaining piece of clothing.
"Geez, first it's your shirt we had trouble getting off now it's mine," joked Carol.
"Shhh, be still." His eyes are closed, focused on completing the task. Within seconds, her bra felt loose and a pair of hands pulled it off her shoulders.
"Oh well, there we go." Carol chuckled as they continued on.
Using both hands, he cupped and teased her nipples with his thumb. The rest of his fingers glided from the edge of her breasts towards the front and then back to the side with slight pressure. The sensation it was giving her made her involuntarily close her eyes.
He pushed himself up and had his back against the wall, pulling her along with him. Now face to face, he aimed for the spot between her neck and shoulder and laid kisses around it. As if performing a ritual, he trailed kisses approaching her ear and ran the tip of his tongue along the edge of her lobe.
His kisses felt hot on her skin, and his warm tongue on her ear sent a wild shiver down her spine. The sensations he caused definitely got something stirring up inside her.
Carol moved to sit up next to him on the bed and stroked his bulge under the blanket. She used the other hand to balance herself while he continued to attack her neck, leaving little hickies.
In one smooth motion, he turned her on her back and proceeded to pull her pants off. Her pale, shapely legs were now exposed in front of him and he ran his fingers over her legs.
"You're so warm."
"It's all coming from my undercarriage."
George chuckled as he kissed all the way down from her chest to the inside of her thighs.
His hand snaked under up her ass and around the waistband of her underwear. She lifted her hips as a signal for him to tug it off. Now fully exposed, he grabbed both legs and pulled her close to the edge of the bed kneeling in front of her. He kissed her from her knees, up her inner thigh and stopped just about an inch from her pussy.
"Oh George, don't be a tease now," moaned Carol as she laid her hand on the back of his head, directing him onto her groin.
He stuck out his tongue darting it straight into her entrance up to her clit. He repeated it several times, his hot breath making her moan into the pillow.
"Oooh god... Oh George.... Yes, don't stop!" Carol moaned, her legs locking around the back of his neck.
He focused his tongue on her clit, circling around and over it with gentle pressure. With the way she was waking up the entire campus grounds, he thought it would make things better by adding a thumb into the mix. He pressed and rubbed the entrance to her pussy, spreading her juices around.
"Please, I'm getting close," her muffled voice barely heard from the pillow she placed over her face.
George felt himself getting harder by the second. He raised her legs with her knees almost tucked onto her chest, her ankles high up. He ran the tip of his cock over her pussy, coating it well with the wetness he caused. He thrusted in carefully, remembering how painful it always was for her whenever there's no lube.
He heard her moaning into the pillow, the sounds being a mixture of mild pain and pleasure. For some reason, her trying to stifle the sound aroused him but he wanted to watch her face as he fucked her tight pussy. He pulled the pillow away from her face, neighbors be damned.
"George, yes, fuck me!" Carol cried out, feeling a surge of intense pleasure rushing through her body. She felt herself getting closer and closer to release.
"Yes, you like that? Huh? You like that?" He tightly gripped both of her thighs as he lowered and spread them wider.
"Oh god, go faster. Go faster. Please!" She begged as she grabbed onto him for dear life.
George concentrated on her face-- eyes closed, mouth slightly opened, and her breathing erratic. He could sense the intense pleasure surrounding her and he swore he was getting close. He felt her get tighter as her walls closed in on him and he thrusted as fast as he could.
"AHHHH FUCK!!!" She shouted, her hips rising from the bed.
Carol felt everything begin to spasm as she and George came around the same time, working up a sweat.
He collapsed on top of her, both of them now breathing heavily. She rubbed his back and kissed his forehead. "I love you."
"I love you too," he panted. "I can't wait until you're my wife." With a tired smile, he cuddled her close.

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