6 days before... Part 1

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Today the sun was shining bright, not like yesterday. I couldn't stop thinking about yesterday. I knew overthinking wasn't good, but I just couldn't concentrate on anything else than that party.
I know he was drinking at the party but did he actually know what he was doing? Maybe he really just wanted to calm me down...

I pulled my hair is frustration and covered my face in my pillow.
Why am I thinking about him so much? Why was I scared but excited at the same time when he was so close to me?

I sighed and looked at my phone.
Sunday, 10:26, 1 unread message

Who's texting me so early on a Sunday?!

The message said " Hey (Y/N)! Because the weather is so pretty and its very hot, me and the rest are going to hang out at the swimming pool today at 2pm. You better be there! From Sakura."

Since I had nothing better to do, I decided to go, and Sakura would kill me if I didn't anyways. I packed my dark blue swimsuit, a towel and a few other essentials. My brother was at home but he was busy doing paperwork in his room like always. I took my bag and walked out of the house.

"Im leaving!" I informed him. Just a bleak sign of approval escaped him room.

Sometimes it just felt like he wasn't there, or that he was almost invisible, it still does and I dont think anything can change our relationship now. He became a cold workaholic that didn't even care a little bit about others. We had no one but ourselves, yet it seemed like we were always alone.

*At The Changing rooms*

"Come on (Y/N)! Lets get changed fast and jump into the pool!" Ino screamed all excited.

I got into the changing room and started to undress.

"Oh god nooo~" Sakura said with disgust.

"What? What is it?" I asked and folded my clothes, placing them on the floor because there was no hangers or shelves which annoyed me a bit.

"Nothing nothing, just get changed fast, we're all ready!" She replied.

I turned to get my swimming suit and then realised it wasnt there. Either were my clothes.
What the~

A white bikini in its place.

"Sakura! Give me back my swimsuit!" I screamed.

"Never! You have a nice body so show it! You'll thank me one day." She giggled.


They giggled again and left the changing rooms.
I guess I have no choice but to put it on...

*At the Outdoor swimming pool*

I walked down to them, pissed off. They were all gasping and smiling when thet saw me.

"(Y/N)!!! You look gorgeous! That bikini brings out your ass and boobs so well!" Ino gasped.

I flushed red with embarrassment and anger and without hesitation i pushed Ino into the pool. In the last moment she grabbed my wrist and pulled me with her.

The water was nice and cool, but I couldnt see anything because it hurt me eyes. Ino was pushing my head down, and I couldnt get a grasp of air. I started panicking and tried to swim away from her, but it didnt really work because I was unable to see. Finally after many tries I swam away from her, she gave up and swam out for air. I was so deep underwater that it took me a while to swim out. But I never reached the surface. Instead I swam into something~someone. I placed my hand on them, trying to guess who she is. If it was Ino I'd get revenge by untying the top of her swimsuit. But as I touched, I realised there was no swimsuit, no breasts.


I screamed in embarrassment underwater, which caused me to swallow a mouth full of water. I got grabbed out of the water by him.

Still coughing and panicking, I hung onto his neck, not daring to let go at least until I calmed down a bit.

"Omg (Y/N) are you okay?!" The girls screamed from the surface.

It took me a minute or two to calm down and get a lot of air into my lungs. I realised how close I was to drowning. Then I remembered I was still hanging onto his neck. But who was he?

I looked up and realised how close I was to his face. His eyes intrigued me. They were plain black, but there was something to them that made me lean towards him. Plain black orbs that glistened in the sun~

"Sasuke can you carry her up here? She needs to rest." Hinata asked.

"Mm" is all Sasuke said. He was still gazing at me. Just then I realised how close I was. I turned red and let go of him. I took a deep breath and dived into the water, hoping that no one will see me.

What just happened.

Naruto x Reader x SasukeWhere stories live. Discover now