5 days before... Part 1

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"...Oh no fucking way it's 7:30 already... I had such a nice dream.."
*Beeping continues*
I hit my alarm clock until it stopped making those annoying noises and hid under my blanket.
"For goodness sakes why is it always so hard to get up on Monday mornings..."
*someone knocks on the door*
"Ugh.. What is it?"
My brother entered the room a little worried.
"Why aren't you in school yet? Is something wrong? You not feeling well?"
"It's only half seven. Why would I be in~ OH NOOOO!!!"
"Have you forgotten?! You better hurry up or you'll be late. I have to go to work now so I'll see you after school. Bye."
I tumbled out of bed, getting tied up in my blanket in the process. I got up and tried to get to my dresser but I tripped and hit my head off it.
I put on my uniform and tied my hair in a messy pony tail, got a piece of toast with some jam, took my bag and ran out of the house.
Okay it's 7:45, I have 5 minutes to get to school. I'll get there in 7 if I run. It'll take me 1 minute to get up to the 3rd floor of the school and attend the school council meeting.HOW STUPID CAN I BE TO FORGET ONE OF THE MOST IMPORTANT COUNCIL MEETINGS THIS YEAR?!?!
After a minute of sprinting I started to pant and get really tired. I was really bad at sprinting. But then I heard someone scream my name and turned to face the road. It was Sasuke in his car.
"Come on, what are you waiting for, get in sleepyhead."
I exhaled and smiled at him.
Thank goodness.
I got in the car and shut the doors.
"Thank you so much Sasuke, you saved me there."
"No problem Baka. But I'm still wondering how could you sleep in for the most important council meeting this year? What were you dreaming of?" He smirked.
"That's none of your concern."
"You're blushing."
"What?! N-no I'm not Baka."
"Were you dreaming of me?"
I pushed his shoulder, "Of course not Baka! Why would I dream of an idiot like you?"
He sighed and stopped on the lights.
"What's that on your forehead?" He asked and lightly caressed it.
"It's nothing, I just hit my head of the dresser this morning."
He looked me in the eyes and shook his head.
"You're so clumsy."
"You don't need to remind me about that." I sighed.
"Did you organise the decorations?"
"Yeah, I have everything planned out, the layout of the tables, the colours dominating the room, I asked people to help me with putting up the decorations, but we'll all be doing that on Friday."
"Good. At least you didn't forget about that."
"What about you? How's organising the food going?"
"I've got everything under control don't worry. There'll be snacks and sweets, punch, water, orange juice and fizzy drinks. I've decided that the snacks can't be oily and have to be easy to eat as no one wants oil or food all over their outfits."
"Who's making all of this food? There'll have to be a lot of it, there's about 200 people attending, that's a lot of food to make."
"I'll be making it all myself."
"Yeah, but I think I might need a little help, judging that I'm working with time and I can't make the food earlier than Friday because it will all go bad."
"Yeah that's true.."
"Can you help me? You're good at cooking right? You can come to my house after you finish decorating the room. I would be thankful."
Me? Go to his house? To help him with cooking? By the time I finish decorating it'll be 6pm, and well be making food for hours.. I think that's a little too late~
"And if you are worried about walking home late at night, don't worry, I'll drive you home." He said and looked at me.
"Alright, I'll do it, but just for the food."
"You're going to do it for the food? Not for me?" He laughed.
"Nope. Just for the food." I smiled.

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 05, 2016 ⏰

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