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The Preceptor wasted no time and immediately sauntered towards the creepy building with the Overlords and encryptor right on his heels. Daryl, who at this point had given up on figuring out what was going, followed them without thinking what would happen to him. It had been a rough couple of months since the passing away of his parents, and two painstakingly long awkward days since he arrived at this bizarre place. He wanted it to end. He wanted to figure stuff out and be at peace without people probing him with questions every two seconds.

As soon as Daryl entered the building, the huge doors behind him sealed shut leaving Clara outside. He found himself in a fairly large room. It was dark, cold and really quiet. Most of the stuff in there were metallic mechanical objects and Daryl didn't have a clue as to what they were. Objects seemed to faze in and out of the room. The ceiling was lined with cobwebs, while the huge window hinges were rusty. Each window showed a different scenery, which kept changing every now and then. The Preceptor headed to the very end of the room. It had a high semi-circular kind of podium. At it's edge it said 'et dicere ei potest: quod multam fiduciam habentes in corde, quoniam subesse puto bestia' which Daryl roughly translated to 'to tell and be told, be bold and of heart, for the beasts lurks'

'Way to keep things safe,' he thought to himself. It was going to be a long day for him. In the middle of the podium, looking well off-place, sat a majestic crystal throne. It seemed to absorb the little light in the room and he noticed that the jewel on The Preceptor's staff was glowing really dimly.

"Okay young lad, this place we are in is the convergence point of faery energy in this part of the mainland. All the Faery animals currently in this area channels their aura from this very point so that they can sustain their abilities and lives. This place links the Faery realm with our realm since it creates an energy portal between our two worlds. No human, troll or dwarves can cross over, except for faeries. The barrier will detect your aura and identify you as an alien being and it will destroy you. It is a defense mechanism, just like how our bodies fight off germs and diseases, got it?" The Preceptor asked him.

Daryl gave him a small nod. He wasn't even understanding what he was being told. The Preceptors words were just flying past him while he stared at his surroundings. He was cold and nervous. The three overlords who were present paid absolutely no attention to him. Ecron just glanced at him for a moment then turned his attention to the crystal chair. He followed Ecron's movements as he approached it and removed a magnifying glass. He placed it over his eye and moved over to the right armrest which he began inspecting while muttering to himself.

After thoroughly inspecting the chair, he moved aside and gave The Preceptor a sharp nod.

"Splendid, we shall now begin." The Preceptor announced.

The three Overlords who hadn't said a single word, all started moving in unison towards the chair. Merica moved to the left side and quietly placed her hand in a slot just above the left armrest. Angus went to the right side and did the same. Zilhart whipped out two black crystals from his left pocket, placed them down and approached the throne but instead of placing his hands over something, he raised his right hand and one of the crystals rose up and started inscribing just a few metres below the throne. It drew a circle, then started writing runes all round as it closed in on itself, going faster and faster till the circle was filled with a neatly drawn circular symbol. Daryl was absolutely stunned, he hadn't seen anything like that before. Zilhart let out a sigh of relief and retrieved the crystal. Again with a motion of his hand, he lifted the remaining crystal and he carefully guided it towards the throne's headrest.

THE TRANSITION: The Lost MaximusWhere stories live. Discover now