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Madam Sally pointed Daryl to the crystal clear bed without saying anything, and Daryl promptly responded by moving towards it. Before he could raise himself onto it, Clara held him back and told him to remove his shirt and shoes.

"Is that really necessary?" He shot at her.

He was answered by a stern look from Madam Sally and a snicker from Jay-den. Clara was the only one to give him a firm yes as an answer. Daryl removed his shoes first followed by his shirt. As if he wasn't cold enough already, the breeze in there really hit him and he felt like he was being submerged in ice cold water. Goosebumps lined his arms and he started shivering.

"Please let's get this over with quick," he said between clenched teeth. Without hesitation, Daryl lifted himself and laid on the bed. His skin came into contact with the crystal bed and he felt the cold biting his bones. He wanted to get out of there but he had nowhere to go, no home, no other good-hearted known relatives, no parents. He was simply stuck in the god-forsaken place. Better get over with it anyway, he said to himself.

Madam Sally, came over him, drew with her hand in the air while chanting and something like the letter 'A' appeared. It had a slanting line at the bottom and it was glowing a faint crimson. Then she started chanting.

"Nunc hodie enim venit, et occultatum revelare, ad maius bonum, ostende donum fac transitum,"

She went on and on, her eyes started to take the color of her symbol. The symbol had itself was wrapping round the orb and it started changing colors. From blue to green to red to yellow to white to brown then to purple and back to blue in a continuous cycle. The crystal bed changed color to a bright red. Daryl closed his eyes and waited. Madam Sally continued for almost six to seven times and commanded her in a soft voice to say his part


For a moment nothing happened. He opened his eyes and all was quiet, the orb had stopped glowing and took on all the seven colors. The light getting in from the night sky above made it scary enough. At that time Daryl waited to be told all this was a trick and he would be returned home to his parents. Then it happened, his eyes shut close and he felt himself being pulled back into the past.

Daryl opened his eyes and found he was back at home, in his sleeping quarters. It was morning, the sun was halfway up and he could hear the birds chirping outside. He smelt bacon coming from their kitchen. Daryl jumped out of bed and headed straight to the living room, his father was there reading the morning scroll, he could see from the big windows their usual milkman bringing in that day's batch on his rickety horse-driven cart. His mother came in wearing a simple plain cream dress and she headed straight for the kitchen.

After a few moments, his mother called him to join them for breakfast, some bacon, eggs and milk, just like he remembered it. His father requested for some chili powder since he liked all his food hot. Daryl volunteered to go get it. He skipped towards the kitchen and asked the head chef for a dash of chili. He was happy, this is the life he remembered. The life he lived, the life he always wanted and had. He headed back to his parents. But that's when he noticed something odd was happening outside. Daryl headed over to a window to see what was going on and he was struck with horror. Lava was spilling off the mountain, just outside their borders and approaching fast. First place of impact, their home. It hit him hard like a brick to the face and he sprinted towards his parents. But he was late. The lava spewed over from the windows into their house. He ran to grab his mother's hand but oddly she was smiling at him, his father too, as the lava started to engulf them. Before he could reach her she was gone. Daryl was defeated, knelt down and started sobbing. It was all there, all his life, the people he loved the most, if only he could've reached them in time. He blamed himself. He blamed everything on himself. If only he had been with them. Why did they leave him back at Carpe Diem. He felt like he had abandoned them. Why did they have to die and why was he still alive?

After quite some time, Daryl felt a hand on his shoulder and he opened his eyes. He was now floating in dark space. In front of him were his parents. They were still smiling warmly at him. He reached out to hug them and his gesture was met with a warm response.

"Please don't leave again," he said in between sniffs.

"No son, we are far gone from the physical realm, we cannot come back nor take you with us, I know it's a huge burden to bear, we are sorry for bestowing this upon you, but we will always be with you in spirit, don't give up, be strong. The world waits for you," his father told him.

"We love you son and we will always be by your heart and guide you when in need," his mother continued.

"Trust your instincts, we will always be there," they both said while fading away into wisps of smoke.

Daryl woke up gasping for air, his head was spinning and it hurt alot. He groaned and sat on the table rubbing his forehead. He motioned for his shirt and it was given to him immediately. He couldn't comprehend what had just happened. But he knew one thing, his parents were there with him, somewhere within him. As much as it consoled him, he wished to be with them physically and it still hurt him.

Clara was right, the pain was gone and he almost felt normal except that his head couldn't stop ringing. After a long duration of silence he looked up to ask for his results or something like that. But the look on Madam Sally's face was a confused one. Clara was just looking at him and Jay-den looked like, well, looked like Jay-den, with a little bit of curiosity in his eyes.

"What's with your bewildered faces?" he asked.

"Let's just say you won't take the second test. After what we've seen, it's completely useless at this point," Madam Sally told him while looking at him warily.

"And what does that mean?" Jay-den asked on his behalf.

"It means he falls to no factor, completely none. The orb and bed returned to their original color. They're not supposed to do that. They should maintain a color for 3 minutes so that it can activate the second test. This has never happened before, I initially thought he maybe a normal human, but the fact that the orb and crystal bed responded to him means he has something within him like us, but that's now a total mystery," she explained.

"So if the orb hasn't come up with his abilities, where does he fall?" Clara asked curiosity etched in her voice.

"Nowhere, no factor will be allowed to take him in willingly."

Daryl didn't know what to do or say. He was cast out from his home and town, now a stupid glowing orb was telling him he belongs nowhere. So much from an enchanted ball of light.

Madam Sally looked from the orb then back at him, her voice dripping fascination and curiosity, she asked,

"What are you?"

THE TRANSITION: The Lost MaximusWhere stories live. Discover now