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Daryl was starting to lose his patience. Nothing was helping ease his nervousness and anxiety. Frankly, he felt like he was losing it. He had just witnessed how his parents had passed away after he got abandoned, and now some lady was experimenting with him like a lab rat. He wanted to run away. He wanted to shut his eyes and cry. To be alone, shut out all his emotions and have some quiet. But it was almost impossible with all his thoughts doing sprint races in his mind. Nothing made sense and he felt lost.

Clara, Jay-den and Madam Sally had moved further away from him and were now discussing in hushed tones. Once in a while they'd point at the aquarium, then at him. Jay-den kept throwing him glances and shifting on his feet. After a while they came over to him and told him to get off the crystal bed.

"As per now, you'll stick with Clara at all times, I have to report to the Preceptor of this development. We'll figure what to do tomorrow. Until then go get some rest, you'll need it," Madam Sally informed him. She looked him over once trying to weigh him, once she was unable to find anything new she gracefully left the hall.

As soon as she was gone, Clara's face was right in front of him. She tilted his face to the right then to the left like a person inspecting a vase.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Daryl heatedly shot while scurrying back.

"Checking if you have a mark."

He just looked at her with a blank expression till she sighed and said,
"Some of us come with tattoos, like a clue as to what we are or where we hail from."

"I don't have one of those" he replied curtly.

Clara shrugged and announced they were leaving to go back to the dorms. Jay-den who had been quiet, immediately started for the door leaving Clara and Daryl behind. The way back was filled with utter silence. Clara didn't say a word to him but he could feel the occasional glances as if she wanted to catch him doing something unreal. They reached the troop quarters and Daryl headed straight for his quarters. He immediately took off his shirt and plopped himself on his bed. Random thoughts flickered through his mind. Flashes and glimpses of his childhood, his house being covered with lava, his survival in the forest, the test he underwent, the mysterious Preceptor guy and finally he settled on the strawberry blonde girl. She was pretty and angelic. She had a sweet fragrance and kind eyes. She simply mesmerized him but he didn't have the time to start pursuing her right now, he needed to know what was going on around him, where he was and what all the buzz about abilities was. Or maybe she could help him, he thought. With a mental note to find answers tomorrow, he drifted off to sleep.

A big loud bang woke Daryl up. He immediately sat up only to find Jay-den towering over him snickering as usual. He held a small ball of white cloth, and on his other hand he had a small lighter. 

"About time you woke up idiot, we don't have all day, unlike you, some of us have duties to fulfill," Jay-den shot at him menacingly. 

"Douchebag," Daryl murmured while getting off his bed. He was still really tired. 

"Meet me at room 20 when done," Jay-den shot as he left the room.

Daryl was able to locate a small door on the opposite side of the room. He staggered towards it and discovered it headed to a small wash area. The water sink had several cracks and chips indicating years of use. He brushed his teeth, had a quick cold shower and changed into his troop uniform. Once satisfied he threw on a purple coat he found hanging behind his door, then headed out to look for Jayden.

THE TRANSITION: The Lost MaximusWhere stories live. Discover now