Chapter 1: Orphange

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Growing up I never knew what it meant to be alone. I never knew what it meant to be powerless. I never knew what it meant to be a burden. I was always around family. My two younger siblings Megumi Fushiguro and Nobara Kugisaki we're always with me. We were stuck together like glue. Everything I've done I've done with them. Everything I've learned, I've learned with them. Going outside and playing together,taking a bath, even sleeping in the same room! Sometimes we slept in Megumi's bed just to feel close to each other. Although we were orphans our life wasn't meaning less at all. I still remember the day like it was yesterday.

It was drizzling outside our orphanage. The wind echoed through the woods. I could hear the water dripping outside into buckets left near the door to catch the leaks. A bunch a children including me Yuji Itadori, my sister Nobara, and Megumi who  ran around the room laughing and shouting.
            "BET YA CAN'T CATCH ME MEGUMI!" I shouted . Megumi stopped and sat down.
       "Sheesh who would want to? You're like a human race car!"
       "Psh maybe you're just an old man in kid form." Nobara giggled. "AH HEY SHUT UP I COULD BEAT YOU ANY DAY IN A RACE!" "That sounds like a good idea! We should race each other!" I shouted while jumping up and down. "Pass I don't want to dirty my new pink shoes." Nobara said turning around back to her dolls. "Man you're such a girl!" Megumi rolled his eyes. "Says the boy with a girly face." Nobara snickered. "AH- I DO NOT HAVE A GIRLY FACE?!" Megumi and Nobara kept going at each other's neck. "What's wrong with being pretty?" I said to Megumi. I put my hands on his face and looked him in the eyes. His eyes fluttered. I could see the deep ocean blue in his eyes sparkle.The highlights in his eyes swirled around as if they were dancing. "Woah you are pretty." My face turned a bright pink. A smile came upon my face, "Man I'm pretty sure Megumi will get a lot of girls when he gets older!" Megumi smirked, "You hear that Nobara? I could get a lot of women!" "Psh I don't care anyways!" She said pouting. I laughed and danced over to the window. The wind only got heavier, leaves danced through the air flying past the window getting lost out in the world. I closed my eyes listening to the music the outside made.
         CLACK CLACK! My peace was disturbed by a loud sound in the distance. I tried to peek in the distance to see what could be making that sound. Could it be thunder? A bright yellow light flashed through the trees. CLACK CLACK! The sound got louder and the light got brighter. "Hey guys there's something outside?" I said. Megumi and Nobara stood up and made their way to the window. I pointed to the light. "What's that?" Nobara said.
        "DAMMIT CAN'T YOU WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING?" The loud voice startled all three of us causing us to bounce up. A black car started to pull up in the driveway. A man with white hair which seemed to be combed up had walked out the car. He seemed to be wearing a dark blue long sleeve and long pants uniform. He had a mask on his face as well. Another blonde haired man walked out the car. He was wearing a suit along with glasses that didn't seem to have lenses.
         "Well that was a nice drive!" The white haired man said. The blonde haired man wobbled as he walked over to him. "ARE YOU INSANE? YOU RAN OVER SO MANY BRANCHES AND NEARLY DAMAGED THE CAR?!" The white haired man laughed, "But I didn't? I think I deserve some credit, we're both still alive and that ride was smooth!" The blonde haired man grunted and continued to make his way inside. I ran from the window and grabbed my shoes. "Wait a minute idiot where do you think you're going?" Megumi shouted. "I want to see who's going to get adopted!" I smiled. "Isn't that stalking you weirdo!" Nobara grabbed my shirt. "Oh come on let go I want to see!" Whoosh! The door before us slid open.
         "And here's the children you were asking for." The care taker said. "They've been here for years now, it seems like no one wants them." The white haired man smiled. "Seems like this is your lucky day!" He put his hand out in front of me. Nobara wrapped her arms around me and Megumi stood in front of me. "Who are you?" He said in a stern tone. "Oh, Ahaha! I guess I didn't quite introduce myself." "I'm Gojo Satoru, I'm from Jujutsu tech, a training center for Jujutsu sorcerers." "Oh and this here is Kento! Psttt say hi!" "I'm going to slap you." Kento said. "Uh he's a big meany but ignore him!" I looked at Gojo. Somehow I had no nerves. I could feel my hands twitching, my sweat went down my neck. My mouth started twitching. "HOORAY!" I jumped up into Gojo's arms with full excitement .We won't have to stay in this place any longer. I had no idea what the man was talking about but from my five year old perspective it meant a new place to explore. "WOAH WOAH THERE HEY LITTLE GUY!" "ITADORI DAMMIT GET BACK DOWN HERE!" Megumi was irritated with how confused he still was. "What the hell do you want with us?" Megumi said angrily. Gojo smiled and put his hand out once again, "I'm going to give your life meaning."
           And from there we began a life training to become Jujutsu sorcerers at Jujutsu tech. We were provided rooms of our own! There we continued to have small classes and began slowly training. There were other kids there but as soon as with hit the age 15 we bonded with them more. We knew them as our older siblings who were also orphans. Most our classes were separated but are training was combined.  There was tall woman with long green hair and pink glasses, a short boy with white hair and a bowl cut and a panda had trained with us. Yeah I know a panda? Just don't question it. Their names were Maki, Toge, and Panda. Again don't question the Panda I know.
          WACK! I got slammed in the head by a large cured tool.
       "You lose once more!" Maki said. "THAT'S NOT FAIR I WASN'T EVEN READY ?!" I shouted back at her angrily jumping up and down. "Then just don't let your guard down?" Maki stuck her tongue out at me. Nobara and Megumi giggled behind me. I turned around, "How about you losers go get your ass dragged too?" "Can't do that we're watching you get your ass dragged first!" Megumi leaned back into his chair. Some supportive siblings they were. "OI OI OI!" Gojo walked down the stairs leading to the field we were in. "It's not training if all of you are just sitting around is it?" he said. "We're getting an education from Maki, learning how to drag an Itadori!" Nobara laughed. "SERIOUSLY YOU GUYS ARE SO LAZY?" I shouted at her. Gojo walked over to us and looked around at the woods in the distance. "Let's go on a curse hunt, I'll set curses around in the woods and the person to execute at least five wins!" he said. We all looked at each other. Megumi stood up "Sounds fun I'm in." Nobara and the others stood up as well. Gojo smiled and clapped, "YAY THIS IS GONNA BE FUN!" suddenly his expression dropped to a stone cold face. "You do remember the one important rule, right?" We all pointed a finger to a tree out in the distance. That tree was next to a path you could drive on leading back to the town. Gojo had made a strict rule to not pass that tree no matter what. Ever since the day we've come here we had never left it either. We had no details on what would happen if we had passed it. We never knew if anyone had passed it? None of us questioned it since we were always so caught up in training. 
          Gojo proceeded to hide a bunches of curses around in the woods and pulled out a timer . "You have one hour to find and eliminate 5 curses each!" "Don't die please!" he shouted and waved at us. "NOW GO!" We all started charging into the woods at full speed. Everyone ran their separate ways leaving me on my own. The trees stretched up into the sky like skyscrapers. It made perfect cover from any attack. I continued dragging my feet waiting to be attacked or to notice any curses. WHOOSHH! A sudden gust of wind blew over me. I paused in my spot and got into fight stance. With my voice cracking I stuttered, "H-Hello?" The wind began howling like a pack of wolves. Could this be a curse? Suddenly something caught my eye. It was directly infront of me. It appeared to be a path but what made it but we made it really eerie was the fog covering up what was in the distance. I tiptoed behind a tree and looked out at it a again. WHOOSHH! Another sudden gust of wind came over me. "ACK!" I held on the the tree tightly. "What the hell is that?" Looking back behind me it looked like a normal sunny day with the shade of the trees above me. Looking forward it looked like a gloomy rainy day. The air felt chilly like a wet morning in the fall. The scene was depressing. Out of curiosity I braced myself to run down there. "Just in and out is all? I'm not going to stay." There must be a curse in there, there has to be what else could it be? I jumped out from behind the tree and immediately got into stance. "ARGHHH-" something clinged into my hood.
            "ITADORI!" "WAHHH!" My body moved on its own slapping the thing in front of me. "OW DAMMIT THAT HURT!" Nobara rubbed her cheek. "NOBARA? WHAT ARE YOU DOING SCARING ME LIKE THAT?" I grabbed her face, "DID IT HURT?" "OF COURSE IT DID YOU SLAPPED ME RIGHT IN THE FACE!" Nobara grabbed my ear and continued yelling. "The competition is over what the hell are you doing still in the woods?" "What?" I looked up to see the afternoon had turned into the night. The light of the moon was now shining over me. It's night time? "It's dinner time and you've been out here for hours now idiot?" I stood up and looked back at the path, the night had made it look like a black abyss. Perhaps I had dozed off or fallen asleep during the competition. "Hello Itadori? ITADORI!" Nobara shouted into my ear. "AH YES?" "Are you going to go back come back or let your dinner get cold?" "AH NO NO LET'S GO BACK!" The two of us started making are way back inside. However I got an uneasy feeling walking out of the woods. What exactly was that?

                                                      Chapter 1 End.

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