Chapter 3: Headache

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"How is this possible?" "Why is it here?" I put my hands on my head. "Is this a dream?" Ugh, snap out of it! Right I came here to see if there was a curse. I walked up onto the porch and opened the door to the orphanage. It was all how I remembered. The moment you walked in you could see a big red carpet in front of you. To the left there was a fireplace surrounded by a rocking chair and brown couches. To the right was a bunch of cubbies for jackets. It was all the same as the orphanage meaning this wasn't no coincidence. I walked to the starting of a hallway. On each side of the hallways were the rooms to other orphans. Making my way down to the fourth room on the left which was my room I could sense something was off. I haven't seen any sign of the curse nearby. I hesitated before opening the door. The wood floor creaked. Should I really open it? I gripped on to my curse tool readying myself for any impact. "URGH!" I kicked the door open and quickly got into stance.
            "S-Somebody there?" a faint raspy voice said. A woman in a white apron in a brown dress stood before me. Then I dropped my tool and tears had filled my eyes. "MISS BERRY?" I screamed in shock. The sight of the old caretaker laying on the floor had sent me into shock. The woman's eyes had widened. Slowly reaching out her hand. I put her hand on my face sniffling as more tears came gushing out my eyes. "Are you going to die?" "Y-You need to get out of here.." she said gasping for air. "What do you mean? I don't understand what happened here?!" She grabbed my face and brought me in close "Listen to me you need to go before it's too late and you-"
           "Ah Itadori." I slowly turned my head to see Gojo straight behind me. "What are you doing here?" Gojo suddenly snapped his fingers. The entire setting magically disappeared. The building was gone, the rain had stopped, the woman was no longer there. I was in the woods once more. The sun was shining brightly and you could hear the birds chirping to the new dawn. It was all gone. "I-I don't know.." What was I doing here? What exactly happened? "Well then instead of staying out here in the woods maybe you should go out and get dressed for class hm?" Gojo said, smiling. He once more wrapped his arm around me and led me back to the building. Once I got inside Nobara and Megumi stood in front of me. "IDIOT I THOUGHT YOU GOT KIDNAPPED!" Nobara hugged me tight. "Don't go wandering off like that!" Megumi pinched my cheek. "Yeah..I won't." This doesn't feel right. But I don't know why. 

          "Alright you three it's been awhile since we had a lesson together!" Gojo said to us. We sat in desks in front of him as he stood near a chalkboard. "Today I'm gonna teach you about Domain expansions. I immediately stood up knocking my chair over. "Uh you good?" Nobara said. "What's the point of having chair if you won't keep your ass in it." Megumi said. "Shut up!" Nobara stepped on his foot. Domain. Expansion. Where have I heard that before? A headache began to start aching. "Ow.." I put my hand on my head. Gojo walked over to my chair and sat it up again. "Alright how about you take a seat hm?" "Yes yes I'm sorry." I sat back down once more. Domain expansion. I know that word, but why? "Back to what's I was saying!, Domain expansion also known as territorial expansion, is a cursed technique that lets a user construct a three dimensional enclosed space." Megumi and Nobara proceeded to take notes. "Itadori if I were you I'd write this down."
          RING RING! "Oh timer is up go get some fresh air you three I'll see you later!" Gojo said, cleaning off the chalkboard. The three of us headed out of the classroom. "Cya sir!" Nobara said. "Hey..uhm have any of you guys heard the word Domain Expansion before this lesson?" The two of them shook their heads, "We're still beginners at Jujutsu these are just some basic things we should know?" Nobara said. "I know it's just..I feel like I've heard that word before but it was really important too?" Megumi and Nobara looked at each other in concern. "Uhm have you been okay lately?, you really seem to be all over the place." Nobara said. Do they not believe me? I mean who would I've been saying crazy things. "Yeah I'm fine." I smiled back at the two of them and grabbed their hands. "You guys go on ahead I'll catch up later!" They both nodded and walked away. Domain expansion. "A-ACK" I came crashing to my knees holding on to my head. My headache came pounding in. Flashes of red blinded my eyesight. "AGHH!" I screamed. What's going on I can't see. I fell over and started kicking my legs. It hurts. It hurts!
         "Itadori." "ITADORI!" GASP! I found myself on a bed. "WHERE AM I? WHAT'S GOING ON!" I shouted. Maki threw water at me. "ACK COLD COLD IT'S COLD!" "Yep he's alive." She said. "Was the water part really necessary?" Megumi said, giving her an irritated look. "Hey don't call for doctor Maki if you won't take her treatment!" "Are you okay?" Nobara sat beside me worried. "What happened to me?" I said. "Well you were blacked out on the floor so we took you to your room. "And you said you were fine!" Nobara shouted at me and shook me back and forth . "ACK SORRY PLEASE. STOP. SHAKING. ME!" "Welp take it easy from now on!" Maki handed me a bottle of water. "Tuna tuna!" Toge pointed to the tv on my floor. "Oh cool look at all those Dvds!" Maki started looking through the box of dvds next to my Tv. "We should totally watch something, is that ok?" "Uh yeah sure!" I said. "Great! Any movie recommendations?" Maki said while looking through the movies. "Man there was this one crazy monster movie I saw at the Kinema Cinema with Junpei once!" I said in excitement.
           The room went quiet. All eyes were on me. They all looked at me as if I were out of it. Then they began looking at each other. Am I crazy? "Uh is something wrong?" "Maybe you hit your head harder than I thought?" Nobara smacked me in the head. "OUCH THAT HURT!" "Itadori, you realize none of us have left Jujutsu Tech before right?" Megumi said. He had a concerned look on his face as he fidgeted with his fingers. "Who's Junpei?" Maki said. Who is Junpei? I didn't know how to respond to the others. It just spilled out of mouth. I had no memory of Junpei or seeing a movie with that person. But somehow it almost seemed familiar. Why? ''Uhm maybe we should just go get ready to eat!" Maki stood up and walked over to my bed. "Take it easy okay?" she patted me on the head. "Watch over him  you two!" "Will do." Megumi nodded back at her. "Hey you guys can go on ahead for dinner, I think I'll stay back and sleep." "You sure Itadori," Nobara said. "Yeah I'm just tired. "Well if you ever want to talk I'm here...big bro.." Megumi said. My eyes immediately brighten up. "DID YOU JUST CALL ME BIG BRO?!" "NO I DID NOT!" "AWWW MEGUMI MY BEAUTIFUL LITTLE BRO CMERE!" I reached my arms out to give him a big hug and kiss on the cheek. "GET IT TOGETHER DAMMIT YOU'RE SO CRINGE!" "LET ME GIVE MY WITTLE BROTHER A KISSY!" "NOBARA KNOCK HIM OUT OR SOMETHING!" Nobara bursted out into laughter. "GET HIM ITADORI!" Megumi pulled me into an arm lock and ruffled up my hair. "I GOT YOU NOW IDIOT!" "PFFT LET GO MAN YOUR GONNA KILL ME!" The three of us laughed loudly together till tears came out our eyes. "Phew okay I think that's enough, we should get going!" Nobara said. "Goodnight Yuji cya tomorrow!" she said with a grin. "Night!" Megumi waved at me and the two of them left my room turning the light off.
              All I need is some sleep. I layed back down in my bed and pulled the blanket over me. Lack of sleep is just causing me to see and say things is all. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath . Yeah just lack of sleep.
          "Yuji are you there?" Huh? A boy with long brown hair sat next me on a staircase. The sun was setting. "I can't believe you like that movie too!" "Junpei?.."
        "OI JUNPEI COME HELP ME WITH THESE BAGS!" "Ugh mom what did I tell you about smoking!" "Oh right sorry I shouldn't be doing that in front of you." The woman looked back at me. It was like she was Junpei's twin. You could definitely tell they were mother and son. Such strong genes. "Hey this your friend?" she said. "Hm yeah! That's Yuji Itadori!"
            "Itadori please.." I turned around to find myself back in the orphanage. My hand is still on Miss Berry. "Run away!" "Run away?" I said. "RUN AWAY!" The woman suddenly vanished along with the orphanage.
      GASP! I sat up quickly. I was in some kind of room laying on a couch.
      "Oh please don't leave me my darling!"
"I'm sorry for my love but I have no other choice! I must go!"
A movie was playing in front of me. Chips and soda layed on the floor. What's going on? "WAHH!" I fell off the couch. There was a cure sitting in front of me. "A BEAR!?" It seemed to be fast asleep wearing boxing gloves as well. "Where the hell am I?" I sat up. "Yuji, oh dear Yuji."
My heart stopped. I could feel my whole body twitching. The voice began whispering, "Yuji.." It can't be. I turned my head towards the tv. The woman in the movie looked directly at me. "Yuji.." she whispered.

"Wake up."

                                                  Chapter 3 end.

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