Chapter 2: The Woods

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Once me and Nobara made it into the building we walked through the dark hallways. My mind was filled with thoughts and theories. If I hadn't exorcised any curses doesn't that mean five more remained? "Oh yeah Maki ended up exorcising five extra curses." Nobara rolled her eyes. "God she's such a show off!" "Hey uhm Itadori?" "Hellooooo!" "HEY!" Nobara smacked me in the head. "OUCH WHAT WAS THAT FOR?" "DON'T IGNORE A LADY YOU DISRESPECTFUL COTTON SWAD!" she nagged at me. "What's on your mind anyways you seem to be in deep thought?" "I saw something in the woods.." Nobara couldn't tell if this was some silly joke I was making. Her expression soon matched mine. Nobara rubbed her arm and looked down at the ground. The moment became quiet and awkward. "Uh sure it wasn't a bird or something?" I shook my head. "I saw this path that was covered up by fog in the distance." I turned and looked at her. "Didn't you see the path too?" she shook her head. "I could've swore I saw something it almost looked like two different settings in one place?" Nobara smacked me in the back of my head. "OW DAMMIT CAN YOU PLEASE STOP DOING THAT!? IT REALLY HURTS!" I cried as I rubbed my head. "Stop making stupid jokes already it's not funny!" "WHY WOULD I BE JOKING?" "Ah yes let's tell a creepy story in a dark hallway while the moonshine is shining through the window!" "Ah I can see your point.." We made it to the dining room and opened the door. "It was probably a dream okay?" I nodded at Nobara and took a seat.
"Thought you were dead!" Panda said.
"Tuna" Toge nodded. I took a seat next to Megumi. "You look like you saw a bear." Megumi said. I looked down at the plate of rice balls. "No it was nothing." Maki walked over to the both of us and gave us a hug. "Oh cmon we're family you can tell us anything?" "Ugh cut that out Maki!" Megumi tried to break out of her hug. "MWAH!" Maki kissed Megumi on the cheek. "Aw ur so adorable." Megumi pushed her face away. "EW CAN YOU NOT?" I couldn't help but laugh. "MEGUMI GOT A KISSY EWWW!" I laughed. "SHOULDN'T YOU BE EATING?" Megumi grabbed a rice ball on my plate and shoved it into my mouth. "EAT YOU IDIOT!" "NOT AT THE TABLE YOU NASTY PIGS" Nobara shouted at us. Everyone continued to laugh around the table. Gojo walked in holding a wine cup. "Well the attitude in here seems bright, but time for bed kiddos!" Maki rolled her eyes, "You do know I'm 17 right?" "Tuna Tuna!" Toge nodded. Gojo snorted "Hey unless you're over 20 you're still a kiddo!" "Now clean this place up and hit the showers, you guys probably all stink from the competition today."
The next morning came upon us. It was a nice breezy day and we found ourselves back in the field. "Alright listen up today we're gonna play man hunt!" Maki said. Nobara sighed, "Let me guess you're gonna hunt us down in the woods?" Maki nodded with her eyes brightening, "I GOT THIS NEW CURSED WEAPON AND I WANT TO TRY IT ON YOU !" Nobara stood up. "WHY DOES IT HAVE TO BE US? I'M PRECIOUS YOU KNOW!" "Do we get to self defense in anyway we want if we get caught?" I said. Maki thought about it for a moment, "Just don't kill me and we'll be even!" "I'm pretty sure we should be the ones saying that." Panda chuckled. Maki closed her eyes, "you got till I reach 100, now go!" Once again we all ran into the woods but this time I wasn't quite interested in joining the man hunt. I retraced my steps back to my original hiding spot from yesterday. Could it possibly still be there? As I got closer the air began getting colder. I found it. There I stood in front of path face to face. A gust of wind flew over me once more, the chill of it gave me goosebumps. Slowly I took one step into the setting. A drop of water hit my head. The moment I took another step it began pouring. I turned around only to see the same thing I had seen yesterday. Two different settings. It was still a sunny day in one but pouring rain in the one I was standing in. What's going on? If this is a curse wouldn't it be smarter to warn the others about it? But when I asked Nobara about it she didn't see anything, why is that. I stood there puzzled as I got soaked. Can a curse even do this? "Well if there's a curse then I gotta get rid of it!"
"GAHHH!" A loud scream echoed through the trees scaring birds away. "WHAT WAS THAT!?" I immediately started running towards where it came from leaving the scene behind. "HELP HELP!" I ran out the woods as quickly as possible. There I found Maki sitting right on top of Nobara in the field. Megumi and Toge had both run out at the same time and both looked at me. The three of us continued to run out into the field. Nobara threw a fit throwing her arms and legs around. "MAKI PLEASE YOU'RE SO HEAVY GET OFF ME PLEASE!" Maki snorted, "Looks like you got the gang to run out their hiding spots."she said cracking her knuckles, "So who's gonna win the final battle?" I ran over to Nobara, "Hey you're gonna break her back!" I said. "SHE'S GONNA SHATTER ME PLEASE!" Maki stood up and put her foot on Nobara. "Alright suddenly Nobara is relevant and you guys have to get through me to free her." "Wait so any other time I'm not relevant?" Maki laughed and ran her hand through her bangs. She then smirked and looked at Nobara, "I'm just the main character in this story." Nobara blushed and hid her face. "Please don't kill me in the process!" she said. "You're crazy if you really think I'm gonna figh-"
The day began to fade to night sighs and groans filled the area. Maki stood before everyone piled on top of each other. "Phew." She wiped away her sweat. "That was a lot easier than I thought it would be!" Maki started stretching her arms. "Remind me again why we went against her?" said Panda. "REMIND ME WHY THE HELL UR HUGE ASS IS STILL ON TOP OF ME!" Megumi shouted as he was squished on top of Toge while Panda was on top of him. "TUNA TUNAAAA!" "Oh uh sorry!" Panda rolled off of him. I got up off everyone and stretched my back. I looked back out into the woods once again. Should I bring it up with everyone? No this is something I can handle on my own. It didn't seem like some crazy threat to anyone right? Then again that doesn't exactly mean it's safe. "Yuji!" Gojo called out to me. "You coming in to eat or no?" I turned around quickly. I noticed everyone had walked off back inside. "Yeah I am!" I smiled and headed inside. Gojo stood infront o me and stoped me from heading in. He then grabbed my arm "You look like you saw something out there!" "U-uhm.." Gojo's grip on my arm got tighter. "O-Ow that hurts!" He leaned in and whispered into my ear. "You didn't go past that tree did you?" Shivers went down my back. I slowly turned my head to meet eyes with Gojo. He lifted his mask and gave me a cold Ice glare. I could feel his heavy breathing on my face as he gripped onto me. "Did you?" His voice shook. "N-No sir!" Gojo dropped his expression and smiled at me. "WELL WE DON'T WANT DINNER TO GET COLD DO YA?" He wrapped his arm around me and brought me in close. "Let's head in!"
What the heck was that for? I've never seen him get so scary before. I could feel my heart pound through my chest. I thought it was going to burst out. I was slightly shaking with each step I took with him. Gojo is scary. After dinner we all took showers. I stared at the bruise I had gotten from Gojo on my wrist. "Whatcha lookin at?" Megumi said while brushing his teeth. "Oh just got a little bruise heh it's nothing!" Toge sunk into the bath. "Mmm tuna." "Is he-" "Yeah yeah don't worry about it." Panda said. "Well I'm gonna head to bed first!" I said throwing on my Pjs. "Oh okay well goodnight!" Megumi waved. "Goodnight little bro!" I smiled and waved back. "WE. ARE. THE. SAME. AGE." He threw his toothbrush down. "My birthday comes firstttt!" I ran out the bathroom and down to my room. " guys triplets or something?" Panda said. "Shut it." said Megumi. "Noted."
Twisting and turning in my bed I couldn't find a comfy position. "Ugh why can't I sleep." The wind outside started picking up. I threw my blanket over my head. Don't even think about it. The wind howled loud as it slammed against my window. I want to know. I need know. "Ugh!" I kicked my blanket off and hopped off my bed. "There could really be danger there and I'm just sitting around knowing about it!" I whispered. I put my shoes on and headed out my room. Tiptoeing through the hallways I made it outside. "Maybe I should bring a weapon with me. I grabbed Maki's cursed tool and dragged it with me. I started making my way through the field and up to the woods.
The tree we aren't supposed to pass is to the right in the distance and that creepy path is to the left in the distance. Gojo shouldn't have a problem if I'm not breaking the rules right? I stopped questioning myself and started running through the woods. The light of the moon was just enough for me to tell where I was going. Once I felt that cool breeze on my face I knew I was close. I stopped at the gust of wind that hit me. Looking down at the ground I could see that path. "It's now or never." I walked into the setting. It was pouring rain once again. But this time I kept going, no turning back this time. The wind and rain only picked up more, I used my hands to block the rain and kept pushing forward. CLACK! I looked below me to see a branch I had stepped on. I could see something up ahead. It looked like a building of some sort. I kept going as the rain and wind slammed against me. I bumped into something big. Crashing into the mud I cams a cross a wheel next to me . Once I sat up I noticed it was car. Wait this isn't just some car? I got up quickly out of the wet slippery mud. I tried to wipe my eyes with my sleeve. The heavy rain made it tough to see anything. I took a few steps back. Wait a minute isn't this the same car from..
My mind immediately went to the memory of the day I had first gotten adopted. This was the same car Gojo came out of isn't it?. My ears picked up the sound of a water dropping into something. I turned around to see a bucket catching water on a porch. It was just like the same day. Coincidence? It can't be how could the car and the bucket- I took a moment to look at the scenery. The weather was the same as that day as well. The branches that has fallen from the trees from the wind. Wait a minute. So what is this building? I finally looked at the entire building before me. My body froze. I dropped the cursed tool and stood in shock. My eyes widen and my jaw dropped. It couldn't be. I gasped very loud before shouting, "THE ORPHANAGE?!"

Chapter 2 end

Jujutsu Kaisen: 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀Where stories live. Discover now