Chapter 5: Tension

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What the hell? The strong man kept throwing punches at me. "SHIT SHIT SHIT I NEED TO GET OUT THE WAY" he followed me as  I jumped from tree to tree. He was like a raging gorilla destroying trees just to get to me. Why am I even in the woods? What is going on?" "HEY KID, ANSWER THIS QUESTION FOR ME." He backed me into a tree. I was already out of breath from swinging through the trees. "W-What is your question." The man smirked and looked me dead in the eyes. "What kinda women is your type?" HUH??? Did I even hear that right? "Hold on hold on, you're telling me I just randomly appear in the woods for god knows what, YOU start attacking me?, AND NOW YOU WANT TO KNOW WHAT TYPE OF WOMEN I FAVOR? I screamed at him while stomping my foot. "What so you gay or something?" I blushed, "N-NO I DON'T LIKE MEN!" "Hey if you like men too that's okay?" "IM NOT GAY I LIKE TALL WOMEN WITH A NICE ASS!" "Heh who knew in the middle of the Kyoto Good Will event I'd actually grow some respect for you." "Wait, say that again?" "My respect for you?" "No idiot about this event!" "Oh Kyoto Good Will Event?" Why does this seem so familiar. I started looking around and up at the sky. I know where I am, it's starting to come to me. I've been here before. "Brother." The man put his hand on my shoulder. The sky began spinning and spinning. Until it was a vibrant pink, it looked like the sun had set. A curse stood before us. It seemed to have horns for eyes and a giant flower perched on its shoulder. It's build was very strong and it seemed very angry. My fist suddenly glowed black, it looked like a flame just growing out of my fist. "A black flash" "If I landed three of these you promised to help me." I looked up and the strong man. "Then if I'm correct you really are Todo." A soft smile came upon my face. "That's correct brother." He smiled right back at me. "You need to listen to me." He put his big hands on my face. "You need to wake up and get the hell outta here." "Uh pardon?" Todo's voice started echoing through the trees surrounding us. His body then started fading along with everything else. "Todo? TODO?!" The wind started picking up. The wind was howling and shouting. The sound of thunder clapped and screamed. Lighting started a trucking out of nowhere "ITADORI YOU MUST WAKE UP!" "SAVE THEM YUJI I KNOW YOU CAN!"
     "GASP!" My heart was racing laps inside me. My breathing matches it's beat. Where did Todo go?!. When I finally took a moment to observe my surroundings I finally realized I was outside again facing the tree we aren't supposed to pass. "Ughhh!" I flopped back down on the grass. What the hell are these dreams? I don't know who these people are and why I feel like I know them this well. My eyes are burning and my head feels like a heavy dumbbell. "Never go beyond the tree." Gojo's voice suddenly appeared in my head. Junpei, Todo, and Ms Berry all wanted me to go beyond the tree and save someone. I sat up. "Ugh it's just my mind coming up with stupid scenarios to sooth my curiosity!" At least I hope. I found everyone in the dining room setting up breakfast. "Oh morning pinkie pie!" Maki smiled. "Oh good morning!" "Why do you have grass in your hair?" she said. "I kinda fell outside when I was going on a morning walk!" "Oh I see, help me set the table before all of us are late to class!" Toga placed some plates in my hands. "Tuna." He pointed to the table. "Okay okay!" Once the table was finally set Megumi and Nobara made their way in and took a seat. "Oh looks like someone was actually up early!" she laughed. "Did you seriously come in later just so you don't have to help set up the table?" I said. "No no it's not easy to look this good!" She whipped her hair into Megumi's face. "Can you please not!" He wiped his eyes. "Oh shoot are you okay?" Nobara said to him, looking at him. "Yeah I'm fine." "Uh, your eye is getting a little red?" Maki said. "I said I'm fine!" "Okay okay my bad." Maki threw her hands up.
         The room was now quiet. Everyone was enjoying their meal in peace but I started to feel anxious. "Listen to me, you need to wake up and get out of here." I got a sudden flash of Todo. "You need to go before it's too late!" Miss berry? "Never go beyond the tree." "NO ONE GOES BEYOND THE TREE!" Gojo's voice kept screaming on repeat in my head. I started tapping my lap faster and faster. What's beyond the tree? I need to know. Who's Junpei, who's Todo, what am I even doing here, why do I keep waking up outside, what Is going on! "Yuji?" "H-HUH?" I startled Maki with my sudden shout. "Uh are you okay you're tapping your leg a lot?" "Huh oh yeah I'm fine." I picked up my chopsticks and continued eating. Silence filled the room once more.
"What would happen if we went beyond the tree?" I said. Megumi choked on his cereal. Nobara dropped her chopsticks. Maki spat out her water and both Toge and Panda stared at each other in shock. "What did you say?" Maki said. "I said what would happen if we went beyond the tree?" "ARE YOU CRAZY?" Nobara slammed her hands down on the table. "What the hell are you even talking about?" Megumi said. "TUNA TUNA!" "Are you sure you got enough sleep there Itadori?" "WHY WOULD YOU ASK THAT? ARE YOU PLOTTING TO BREAK THE RULES?" Nobara pointed a finger at me. "NO IT WAS JUST A QUESTION I HAD?" "Idiot you know the damn rules here and now you wanna go around asking stupid questions you know you aren't supposed to ask!" Megumi slammed his hands down on the table. "SO YOU'RE MAD AT ME FOR JUST BEING CURIOUS?" "THE NUMBER ONE RULE IS TO NOT PASS IT? WHAT IS SO HARD ABOUT THAT?" Nobara said. "No no it's fine." Maki and my eyes met each other. She gave me a sharp dead stare. It was as cold as an ice shard and started piercing through me just like Gojo. Her hand was on mine squeezing it tight as ever. I felt like she was going to crush the bones in my hand. "It doesn't matter what happens when you go beyond the tree because you are not going beyond the tree. At that moment she reminded me so much of Gojo I almost assumed they were the same person. "Do you understand?" I slowly nodded my head at her shivering from the cold atmosphere. Maki removed her hand from mine and stood up. "You have 10 minutes to get these dishes cleaned up and put away before class starts." Everyone soon got up and started leaving the room, leaving me all by myself.
I stared at my half eaten egg roll. I'm tired. I put my head down on the table. All I could think about was Maki's stare. Why did she look at me like that. Why did she look so much like Gojo at that moment? I don't understand. I want to know more. I need to know more.
"Ughhhhh" I groaned. Is the outside world dangerous or something? It can't be if our orphanage was near the town. Ever since Gojo found me in the woods, I never returned to the spot where I thought I saw my orphanage. I wonder if what I saw is still there? Suddenly an idea came to mind. I immediately got up and ran out the room. Running through the halls I grabbed a cursed tool and opened the doors to the outside. "Forget about class, if I can't get answers to what I'm looking for, then I'll have to figure it out myself."
                                                         Chapter 5 end.

Jujutsu Kaisen: 𝗙𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁𝘀Where stories live. Discover now