"See you later Siyeon!" Areum shouted as she hopped into Jiwoo's car. Siyeon waved before walking towards the bus stop. After a long day, Areum was finally ready to have some fun.

She fastened her seatbelt and greeted Youngjae, Hyeri, and Jiwoo. Jiwoo turned on the engine and started driving.

"How was work?" Hyeri asked.

"Same as usual," Areum answered and sighed.

"Did you text mystery guy yesterday?" Youngjae wondered.


"What happened?" Jiwoo asked from the driver's seat.

"Well I found out he was born 1994," Areum started off. "He has an older sister, he's originally from Gwangju. He also sent me a selfie."

"Oh, can I see?" Youngjae made grabby hands for her phone.

"Sure," she handed him her phone.

"No fucking way," he swore in disbelief and handed the phone to Hyeri. "Hyeri you've gotta see this!"

"What the fuck!" Hyeri handed the phone back to its rightful owner.

"What is it?" Areum furrowed her eyebrows.

"That's Jung Hoseok from BTS," Youngjae said, his eyes as wide as plates.

"You've been texting a BTS member," Hyeri ran a hand through her hair. "You're so lucky! I would sell my right arm if Hoseok called me pretty!"

"You're literally lesbian, plus you have a girlfriend," Areum furrowed her brows.

"Yeah, what about me babe?" Jiwoo asked smiling slightly.

"You'd do the same thing though."

"True, that man is hot."

"Remind me why I'm friends with you?" Areum facepalmed.

- -

Jiwoo parked her car close to a park. The four best friends exited the car and started walking towards the huge circle of people. Music blared from the speakers someone had brought. The crowd shouted praises and hyped up the person dancing in the middle.

Jiwoo and Areum joined the circle while Youngjae and Hyeri stood on the sidelines. They didn't want a repeat of what happened last time. Both of them had been pulled into the middle and been expected to dance. The problem was that they had never taken a dance class in their lives. Unlike Areum and Jiwoo. Areum had been dancing her entire life and Jiwoo started after meeting Areum.

A man was freestyle dancing in the middle. Soon he switched with a woman. The woman danced her heart out. She looked so free, so content and relaxed. After a while, the woman ran out of breath and joined the circle again. A stranger pushed Jiwoo into the middle. She let out a small yelp before whipping out some dance moves.

Jiwoo was such a fluid dancer. She looked exactly like the sea on a windy day. Her whole body moved like waves. It was admirable, Areum herself had spent years and years improving her fluidity. But she still wasn't as great as Jiwoo who had been dancing for a smaller amount of time.

Jiwoo ran out of breath quickly. One of her flaws as a dancer was her low stamina. She took Areum's hand and dragged her to the middle. This was where Areum shined the most. She'd been doing this for years now. It was almost second nature to her. All those years she had spent perfecting her isolations, body locking, fluidity, facials, musicality, and flexibility were finally being put to good use. She was one with the music, her thoughts left her body as it moved to the beat. Unfortunately, she had to stop and join Jiwoo again.

"It always surprises me how good you are," Jiwoo put her hand on Areum's shoulder.

"Thanks," Areum tried to catch her breath. "You've improved a lot, I still remember you looking like a stick when you first started dancing."

"I was so stiff back then," Jiwoo chuckled.

Areum redirected her gaze from Jiwoo to the middle of the circle. A dancer had just left and another took her place. The new dancer was impossibly amazing. The amount of body control he had was hard to obtain, it would take years of practice to even come close. He was fluid, had great technique and it didn't look like he was trying at all. In the crowd stood a man with broad shoulders. He kept on hyping the man in the middle up louder than anyone else. They must know each other.

Eventually, Areum and Jiwoo started getting tired. Areum's limbs felt like jelly. They found Youngjae and Hyeri and exited the circle of people and started walking towards the parking lot. Areum was in desperate need of water. Her throat and tongue felt like sandpaper.

"Hey, wait up!"

Areum stopped in her tracks and turned around. The amazing dancer was standing right there catching his breath.

"I'm sorry, but do I know you?" Areum asked. His face was covered with a bucket hat and a mask.

"I'm Jung Hoseok, from yesterday," he lowered his mask slightly.

Damn, he was even more handsome in real life.

"I didn't know you were a dancer."

"I've been dancing for quite a while," he said. "Anyways that's besides the point. It might seem a bit soon since we barely know each other. But, would you like to go on a date with me?"

"Yeah, I don't see why not?" Areum smiled, her heartbeat increased when she made eye contact with him. "Text me the details later."

"Hoseok-ah, hurry up, Namjoon's waiting for us!" the guy with the broad shoulders shouted. He was standing a few meters away with his hands on his hips.

"Okay, I'll see you later!" he said before running off to his friend.

Areum ran up to her Jiwoo's car and sat down on one of the backseats. Her friends were looking at her and waiting for her to explain. They had obviously seen her interaction with Hoseok.

"So?" Hyeri cocked an eyebrow. "Who was that?"

"That was Hoseok," Areum explained. "He asked me on a date."

"You said yes, right?" Youngjae asked.

"Of course I did," Areum said and buckled up her seatbelt. "Can you start driving Jiwoo? I want to go home and shower."
What do you think of the story so far? Please point out any grammar/ spelling mistakes, English isn't my first language. Chapter three will be out on Sunday.

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