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Areum leaned back into the couch, her attention focused on the tv. It was around midnight, she should've been in bed now. She had a long shift tomorrow at the cafe and she'd need the rest.

Her ringtone filled the air and broke her attention from the tv. She looked at the display and answered the phone. It was Arin.

"It's been a while," Arin said.

"We saw each other last week," Areum replied.


"Why are you calling me?"

"Am I not allowed to call my little sister?"

"You never call though."

"Look," Arin said and sighed. "I've been trying to convince mom and dad to apologize to you."

"Good luck with that," she rolled her eyes.

"Gowon's trying as well."

"I still don't have high hopes."

"Stop being such a pessimist," the older teased her.

"Never," she smiled. "I have to go to bed, I'll call you later!"


Areum hung up the phone. Her parents were some of the most stubborn people she knew. Arin and Gowon were going to realize that soon enough. She sighed, she should start acting like a real adult and go to bed.

- -

Areum woke up the next morning and went on with her day. She drank her morning coffee and went to work. She and Siyeon had a difficult day. Customer's kept streaming in and ordering drinks. At one point during the day, they had to call in backup.

"Great work guys," Areum praised her co-workers before leaving the cafe and walking home to her apartment.

She made it home safely and started preparing herself dinner. As she cut some vegetables her mind went back to yesterday's phone call with her sister. What if her parents changed their minds? But still, they were some of the most stubborn people she'd ever met. She tried not to have high hopes.

Just then, her phone started ringing. Areum answered it and put it on speaker.

"What are you doing?" her boyfriend asked on the other side of the line.

"Making dinner, you?" she responded.

"Nothing much, waiting for my take-out to arrive."

"Are you at the company?"

"Yeah, I still have to finish some songs for our new album."

"You should rest more," Areum furrowed her brows. Hoseok was always working, never taking the time to rest.

"I'll be fine honey," he reassured her. Areum tried to ignore the way her heart fluttered at the pet name.

"I know you will be."

"Take out just arrived, I have to go back to work," he informed her. "I'll see you later!"

"Yeah," she said as Hoseok hung up. She finished her food and sat down at the small dining table. Talking to him had made her momentarily forget the phone call with Arin.

She sighed and started eating. In moments her food was gone. When she was a kid her parents would scold her for eating too quickly. But they weren't here to see it now.

She carried her plate and carefully placed it inside the sink. All she wanted to do was binge her favorite k-drama. She made a mental note to do the dishes later.

Suddenly her doorbell rang. She wasn't expecting visitors today. It could've been Jiwoo, Hyeri, or Youngjae, but they all had keys. She walked to the front door and opened it. Her parents stood in the doorway, looking uncharacteristically timid.

"Come in," she greeted them without any enthusiasm.

Her parents walked inside, took off their shoes, and made their way to the dining table. Areum offered them some coffee but they declined. She sat down on a chair.

"We'd like to apologize," her mom started off.

"We wanted you to be a doctor," her dad explained. "But, Arin and Gowon made us realize it would only make you unhappy."

"Also, I think we judged your boyfriend too quickly," her mom looked at the table in shame.

"We're sorry honey," her dad took her hands in his and they made eye contact.

"I accept your apology," she said and smiled.

"Is there any possibility, you, your boyfriend, and us could head out for dinner later this week?" her mom asked.

"I think so, he's free on Saturday and Sunday."


- -

Areum and Hoseok walked inside the restaurant holding hands. They didn't need to worry that much, he wore a mask and a bucket hat. They made their way to the private room her parents had booked so they could eat in peace.

"I'm kind of nervous," Hoseok chuckled.

"They'll love you, there's nothing to worry about," she squeezed his hand before letting go and opening the door to the room.

In there, her parents were sitting and making conversation with each other. They turned their attention to their daughter and her boyfriend. Hoseok took of his bucket hat and mask. He bowed and her parents did the same.

"I'm Jung Hoseok," he introduced himself.

"Hwang Yiseo," her mom said.

"Hwang Jungwoo," her dad shook Hoseok's hand.

Hoseok and Areum sat down beside each other. Her parents and boyfriend got to know each other better. Nothing could describe the joy she felt seeing them get along. After a while, a waiter came inside and took their orders.

They continued talking throughout the evening. Areum had to go to work the next day and she wanted to go to bed early.

"Areum, we have a surprise for you," her mom said as Areum stood up.

"What is it?" Areum said, excitement filled her voice.

"We'll help you pay for the dance studio," her dad smiled.

No way. Her eyes started tearing up. She would have never been able to afford it without help. Her lips curved into a smile and her tears started falling. She ran up to hug her dad tightly.

"Are you serious?" she asked in between sniffles.

"100%." her mom confirmed and got tackled into a bone-crushing hug.

"Thank you so much," Areum sobbed. "How will I ever be able to repay you?"

"Seeing you happy is enough."
So this is the last chapter. Summer break starts on Tuesday next week so I'll have time to make the epilogue good.

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