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"So, what are you doing tonight?" Siyeon asked as we gathered our stuff. It was time to close the cafe.

Areum put on her jacket. It was a bit windy outside. Hopefully, it wouldn't be a problem later on in the evening. She felt giddy inside. All she had been thinking about at work was her upcoming date with Hoseok.

"I have a date," Areum responded and tried to hide her smile.

The two women walked through the cafe. The lights were off and the seats were empty.

"Lucky you. The only guy who's interested in me is Youngjae," she complained.

Youngjae was crushing on Siyeon, hard. It had been going on since they first met. Every time he saw her he'd make heart eyes and flirt with her nonstop. The flirting wasn't that unusual. He's a natural flirt and doesn't even notice it half of the time. But, Siyeon didn't have any feelings for Youngjae whatsoever. She honestly found him fucking annoying.

"Youngjae's a great guy."

"I know, it's just that he doesn't realize that I don't like him in that way."

"Well, you haven't exactly made it obvious."

"You're right," Siyeon locked up the cafe. "I'll talk to him the next time I see him."

"Good idea."

"Good luck on your date!" she walked towards the bus stop.

Areum walked home. Her apartment building wasn't far from the cafe. She didn't own a car. Keeping up with rent was hard enough.

- -

Areum stood outside her apartment complex. The parking lot was filled with cars. Most people in her complex were at home, asleep. It was silent except for a few people making noise on the street.

A car pulled into the parking lot. The windows were tinted and the car itself was black. It was no doubt Hoseok. Areum walked towards the passenger seat and opened the door.

"You look great," Hoseok complimented her.

"Thanks," she chuckled.

She buckled her seatbelt and looked at Hoseok. He was wearing the same bucket hat and mask combo as the other times she'd seen him. A bit of his light brown hair peeked through the hat.

He pulled out of the parking lot and started driving. They sang along to some songs as badly as they could, it wasn't much of a challenge for Areum. She was not a born singer to say the least. Both of them couldn't stop laughing and smiling. It was no secret they liked each other. They'd held hands and were about to go on a second date.

"We're here," he said and parked the car on a dirt parking lot.

Areum jumped out of the car and took in her surroundings. The dirt parking lot was surrounded by grass and small flowers. Luscious trees were spread around the grass. But what grabbed her attention the most was the hill that stood almost right in front of the parking lot. It wasn't huge but large enough to grab someone's attention.

"Let's go," he grabbed her hand gently and started walking up the hill.

They followed the small path to the top of the hill, Hoseok never letting go of her hand. She smiled. Even though it was practically midnight she could still see the colorful flowers and green grass.

Hoseok took off his mask and hat as soon they made it to the top. They sat down underneath a tall tree. Stars decorated the sky. They were a bit outside Seoul so the stars were more obvious.

Midnight dancing | JHSWhere stories live. Discover now