Six: Dean

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She's interesting but I know she will be a pain. I had put all her files away and went to my morning classes. Sometimes I wish I could be like any other kid who goes to this school.

That can't happen though since everyone here was a werewolf and part of a different pack. It was amazing to know that so many people who were like us were out there.

I pinched the bridge of my nose and shoved all the papers I had in my hands into my bag. I would look at them again at lunch and discuss this with Sel. It can't possibly be that hard.

I have to find out why this girl was thrown out. It wasn't just the alpha killing. Who was the alpha before him? Maybe that had to do with something. I walked into English. No one looked at me but the English teacher, Mr. Fotia was reading a poem written by one of the students. It was an interesting poem really.

"The flower picked,

Right from my hand

and put into his throat.

Call me a criminal

Call me a murderer

But me

Me, I am the murderer of a murderer.

Am I the one who is evil?

Deceitful and traitorous?

For killing the one who deserved to die?

Or is the man who I had sent to Hades

He's killed more than bullets

You see him as God.

I end him

And up see me as the Murderer.

The person with his heart in my hands.

His blood on my claws.

His throat in my teeth."

I didn't even have to guess whose "poem" that was. I heard from previous seniors that he would tell a student to write a poem they hope no one would read and he would choose the one that caught his eye and he would read it.

Kind of unfair if you ask me. When it's something you want no one to read they're more interesting and gives him another reason to read it.

Chris tried to cover her face but everyone was just in shock with her poem. She and her monitors were in their cross formation like I had told them. The last empty seat which was in the corner was mine. I took my seat and listened on.

Mr. Fotia finished the short poem and crossed his arms. "Very, very nice, Crystal," he said, "The most truthful thing I will hear all day."

She looked up just slightly and got glares from multiple students. She gave the English teacher a slight grin and tilted her head back down into her hands.

Mr. Fotia. Mr. Corinth Fotia was a tall Greek man. Dark hair but light eyes. They were grey and he was a clean-shaven young man who all the girls adored. Some even tried to get a date with him. He had become part of my dad's pack when he was just a child. A child who had lost everyone to the hands a rival pack. He came to my dad covered in the blood of his parents and the brandings of the rival pack.

My dad thought he would have grown up to be a bitter man but ended up being someone who would shape the lives of his very students. He was fairly young. He graduated high school at the age of thirteen and college at the age of seventeen. He came back and became a teacher at eighteen. Very young for people like him. He always wore long-sleeved and high collar shirts, even in the summer, because the scars extended to his neck and arms.

Chris was embarrassed and I didn't blame her. Her poem was dark but did tell the truth. It told the truth of what she did.

The class was quick and Mr. Fotia dismissed us. He only gave a suspicious eye towards Chris but didn't say anything.

Sam, Lizbet, Amon, and Corey were doing their job well. Sam had the same scowl on his face from this morning. Lizbet was packing away her things. She was giggling and smiling with the rogue. Amon and Corey were just hanging around waiting for the girls to speed it up.

Chris glanced my way and immediately averted her eyes. I couldn't blame her. She was a wolf among the sheep. No pun intended.

I didn't pity her but I didn't not pity her. If you knew what I meant. She went through hell and now found herself in another hell.

"I'm not stupid," she said to me. "I'm strong enough to take you down." She glanced at Sam. "I just can't do it now."

I arched a brow. "Oh please, Renegade," I said, "Show me your strength during gym. We have the same schedule."

"I will take that offer," she purred, "Alpha."

I cynically grinned because she had no idea what she was up against.

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