Ten: Dean

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With whatever strength she had left in her legs she used it to choke the life out of me.

Her knees were pressed against the sides of my neck and she was pulling her leg to make the hold tight. Her broken arm dangled as she hung upside down from my neck.

I was suffocating a bit but that's not what startled me. You'd figure I'd be worried about choking to death.

The girl's eyes glowed and her claws began to show on her fingers.

Little by little I was losing breathe so in a drastic measure I dropped to one knee. Her arm bent against the floor but she didn't let go. She only let go when I cracked her head against the hard wooden floor.

I thought she was finally unconscious but as I backed away from her she shot up from the ground and attacked me. Her good arms had it claws out and she was slashing every which way towards me. I backed up but she continued to follow. Her eyes were filled with blood lust and rage. I thought she was going to shift at one point.

She threw herself in a fit of rage at, all while her broken arm hung limply. She wrapped her good hand around my throat and we both went crashing down. Her elbows pinned my arm and she squeezed around my neck.

She halted the choking and brought her hand up and was prepared to slash my throat open.

Sam locked her arm in place and threw her off of me. Chris kicked and screamed. Corey and Amon each grabbed a leg but she had turned rabid.

Her claws and fangs were present and she thrashed violently.

"Everyone is dismissed," I howled, "Get to class. We'll handle this."

The gym cleared out in seconds.

After just a few minutes, not even maybe, she stopped. Her body hung limp and her breathing was erratic. Lizbet went to check her out. Her eyes were rolled back and her fangs and claws began to recede.

"We have to take her to the nurse," she told me, "Her arm is in worse shape than it looks."

Sam carefully grabbed her and threw over his shoulder. The place where her arm was broken was red and was turning a blue-purple.

"Is she in pain?" I asked Sam as we tried to move away from the staring eyes in the hallway. Sam had the ability to monitor the pain in someone's body when he touched them.

"No," he said, "In fact, I don't really feel anything. It's just numb. She'll wake up soon."

The four of them went with her to the nurse. I didn't stay, instead I was going to go back to the office. The door to the infirmary closed and I was walking away already.

I was almost at the end of the hallway when deafening crashes and noises erupted behind the door.

There was an earsplitting scream. Quickly, I rushed to the room, thinking she attacked Lizbet. The door slammed open.

Lizbet held down both her arms. Corey had one leg. Amon was slumped in a corner. With her free leg, Chris kicked Sam and sent him flying into me. He got up not even realizing he crashed into me.

"Hold her down," he yelled, "Hurry up and sedate her!"

"What happened?" I asked him as I grabbed her leg. She kicked it out of my grip.

"Don't know," he explained, "She just woke up screaming and she's in pain. Too much of it. It's like someone set her on fire. I've never felt anything like."

She cried and screamed in agony. Her fangs were out again. Lizbet couldn't hold on anymore. Chris freed her hand and slashed it across the redhead's face. She backed away holding her face and she let go of Chris completely.

Before the rogue cold even think about getting up, I jumped on top of her. She struggled underneath but I had the advantage in weight. I placed my knee over her uninjured arm. I shifted and held the bicep of her broken arm and grabbed her hand.

"This is going to hurt," I said into her murder-filled eyes, "Lizbet get the wraps quick. Corey get some gauze and stuff them in her mouth."

Lizbet was quick and had the wraps ready. Corey stuffed the fluffy cotton into her mouth.

"Relax," I said to her, "This will be over soon."

She bit hard and furiously shook her head. I wasn't sure if she comprehended what was going to happen.

"On three, alright?" I said into her eyes. She was biting the cotton hard enough that there was already some blood on them.

"One," I began.

"Dean what are you going to do?" Sam asked cautiously, putting a hand on her calf. He snatched it back. "Don't do it, Dean."


"Dean," he warned.

Her brown eyes full of bloodlust and hate. She clenched and unclenched her fist. She dug her teeth harder into the cotton. She was still rabid and unaware of what I was going to do.

"Three," I said. I worked quickly. I snapped her arm into it's right position. It cracked and bent right.

She cried into the cotton in her mouth and she thrashed and struggled until she past out from what I thought was the pain.

Lizbet wrappd her elbow so that it wouldn't bend wrong anymore. After she was done with that, I put her on the table. She finally looked calm and peaceful. I was going to go home because this was our free period but then it came to me. I still had to find her mark. I didn't even know where to begin to look.

"What are you going to do?" Lizbet asked me carefully.

I turned away from Chris's body and faced Lizbet. "Not sure yet," I said, "But could you help Corey take Amon to his room and make sure he's okay?"

She nodded. "Will do," she said slipping her arm under his shoulder and Corey did the same. The slash marks on her face were already starting to close. "His injuries aren't severe so he'll be fine but I'm just worried about her."

Chris's arm was wrapped with bandages and she was matted with sweat. Her breathing was slow and heavy.

"Sam," I said, "take her to her house. Here's the key and house number." I have him a slip of paper. "I need you to stay with her until she wakes up."

He nodded reluctantly.

"If her mother or sister are there, stay anyway," I explained, "She'll need the monitoring. I'll send her belongings there soon."

"Got it."

Sam slipped his arms under her and picked her up. Her head leaned against his shoulder and her broken arm dangled. She was still in her gym uniform. The white tee and the black and white gym shorts. She looked so much smaller in Sam's arms. He walked out into the crowd that already had started to form outside the nurse's office and again I had to clear that group.

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