Fifteen: Dean

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We were in distance of the house and I just ditched the bike where I was. Chris was already limp and what mattered was getting her to the house.

I was taking her to Kaira's house. She was medically trained and would be able to help.

Kaira was on the porch of her house. It looked like she was smoking and once she caught sight of me she put out her cigarette and ran to me.

"Dean what happen- This is...Chris?" she asked skeptically. "Dean explain."

She ordered me to her house and told me to go to the basement. She owned one of the few houses that had a basement. She laid out a crisp white cloth on a metal frame of a table.

"I'm not sure what exactly happened," I said as I placed her on top of the table. There were medical supplies everywhere and Kaira was already cutting off her shirt and examining the wound. She put on surgical gloves and rolled Chris over on her non-injured side. "She was shot. I know that much."

"This isn't good," she said. "It looks like the bullet hit an artery. It's a miracle she hasn't bled out yet." She took a knife and cut around the would to try to get the bullet out. "Call her mother. Check what blood she is."

I took out my phone ready to dial a number but... I had no clue.

"I don't know her mother's number," I said shakily. Damn it. If she died because I couldn't call-

"Then call someone with her," Kaira said. "Isn't Sam still at her house? Call him!" The bullet she picked out fell onto the table. "Shit," she murmured, "Oh no. Dean get over here!"

She pressed another cloth to her side.

"That bullet was in an artery. She needs  blood now." She handed me a needle. "We don't have time. Stick this into one of you veins." The needle was attached to  a plastic tube which had another needle at the end. "You're an alpha and type O so you can donate blood to her."

Kaira's words were so thick. She wanted me to do this to save a girl who  I had no relations with. She was a rogue. The lowest of the low. She wasn't even accepted to the pack yet and Kaira wanted me to save her. I was reconsidering my actions. I was hesitating too long and Kaira had been screaming my name several times now.

"Dean! Listen to me." She pinched my face with her thumb and forefinger. "She will die. Do you hear me? D-I-E! Die! As in ending a life and never coming back." Her grey eyes bore into mine. "She has a family, Dean. They will be devastated if she's gone. Think about what you are doing! It isn't just about the Alpha."

Her face was so close to mine and her demeanor so serious. Just below us was a dying girl and it was my choice whether she lived or died.


There was a loud crash and a body fell down the stairs to her basement. They fell on all fours and had a phone in their hand.

"Dean, are you okay?" Sam said as he regained his  balance on the banister. "I've been calling you! What the hell?"

I snatched myself away  from Kaira's grip.

"I'm fine," I reassured him, "I'm just...going donate...some blood?"

"What?!" Sam shrieked. I swear he sounded like a child who had just been refused a trip the ice cream parlor. "That is dangerous as all FUCK! Are you out of your fucking mind? Kaira! Why aren't you stopping him?!"

"It's his choice to make," she said, "but this girl will die if we wait any longer."

He gritted his teeth. "She is a rogue! She could possibly have a worse death. If you let her die here, her family wont have to worry about her anymore. She wont be a burden any-"

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